now do demanding a microsoft account to set up windows
Do AppleID requires credit card to dev on the platform in any way (xcode)
You don’t require a credit card to develop, you require a credit card for publish.
It is for your own good tho…
They are just socialist u see. Its OUR own good :)
Me: “Didn’t they unbundle those already?”
Article: “Last year the tech giant unbundled Teams from Microsoft 365 in an effort to quash antitrust concerns by the EU, but the European Commission said the changes were “insufficient to address its concerns.”
So they did it, but purposely didn’t do it well enough. Next time it’s a 10% fine.
Just a default install of 365 and the only thing that popped up on the screen was teams. It was a separate uninstaller, which was nice I guess? But you have to dig through the 30 language un installers for 365 to find it.
They should charge them for making Teams in the first place.
Now do Edge!
Last year, I heard so much about the EU forcing Microsoft to allow users to choose a browser and a search engine.
Did that not happen?
It’s happened repeatedly: Happened in the US about 25 years ago with Internet Explorer, but here we are!
I hate MS Teams so much.