The US state department has ordered officials worldwide to deny visas to transgender athletes attempting to come to the US for sports competitions and to issue permanent visa bans against those who are deemed to misrepresent their birth sex on visa applications.
The 24 February state department cable obtained by the Guardian instructs visa officers to apply Immigration and Nationality Act section 212(a)(6)©(i) – the “permanent fraud bar” – against trans applicants. Unlike regular visa denials, this section triggers lifetime exclusion from the United States with limited waiver possibilities.
“In cases where applicants are suspected of misrepresenting their purpose of travel or sex, you should consider whether this misrepresentation is material such that it supports an ineligibility finding,” reads the directive from the US secretary of state, Marco Rubio.
Reminder: not only was Rubio the first Trump 2.0/Musk 1.0 nominee to be confirmed, it was UNANIMOUS WITH NO ABSTENTIONS 🤬
I wonder how this could work in practice if someone has an updated passport. It’s almost like it’s a catch-22, if you put your birth sex on the visa application, it’s denied because it doesn’t match your passport, but if you put the sex from your passport, you are banned for fraud.
This is a prime chance for another country to scoop up a shit ton of American talent. Start offering deals to scientists, teachers and athletes to come over to a safe and sane country.
Basically do what the US did in the 50s?
paperclipprogramming socksWernher Von Braun in programming socks is something I wasn’t anticipating to think about today.
But what about Hitler in a Playboy bunny suit?
Yeah, sadly. I love this country, but people have to be safe.
I’m taking that gig as soon as I get an offer.
I already fled Texas to start hormone therapy, and I’ll flee Colorado for foreign shores in a heartbeat.
I feel like I’ve stagnated career/life wise enough that I’m not particularly desirable enough to get that kind of offer though. I don’t speak a second language and my skill set is at best higher tier tech support :/
And businesses analysts??
If I’m reading it correctly, the order denies visas to non-Americans seeking to come to the US. In which case, it’s honestly doing them a favor. From one trans person to another, it’s not safe here.
Fascist state oppressing minorities.
MAGA is evil.Any trans person trying to get to the states right now needs to strongly reconsider.
Detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region. Are you certain whatever you’re doing is worth it?
Any trans person trying to immigrate to the US right now should be rejected on psychological grounds. Not that being trans makes one mentally deficient. But being a trans person trying to come IN to the US right now really suggests some serious judgment or mental health issues.
yeah it’s def not
“Welcome aboard Captain, all systems online”
right now
Surely this will help the cost of food!
At this point I think we should stop being coy and just say things like, “More proof that it was about bigotry, not the economy.”
I was gonna say… /smh
Don’t be shy, it’s time to start shaking smh your head out loud.
So. Can anyone name 10 female college athletes. Since they are so concerned for them.
I’m genuinely confused how college sports is so big in the US.
Who in their right mind besides parents and maybe friends gives a flying fuck about sports tournaments of amateur young adults?
You want us to name all 10?
Name any 10 female athletes in College athletics. If you are so concerned with Trans athletes. Thats what I mean. Not saying you don’t respect trans athletes.
I was joking that there’s literally about 10 trans athletes in college sports out of a couple hundred thousand total, it’s crazy how much of a non-issue it really is
A dangerous way to get around this ban.
This a distraction to keep average Republican voters from noticing they’ve been fooled, and no tax cuts for them, just the wealthy. Expect more of this to coincide with taxation news
For fuck’s sake.
Loving that “small government” and “States’ Rights” that are so sacred and important… Oh, until they can hurt people they hate and don’t understand.
Give it a few months and this will probably affect all trans immigrants. What a shithole country.