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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • I’m just pointing out the perceived contradictions in the ‘requirements’, and explaining why you were likely getting “the Linux recommendation” you complained about in your edit.

    Also, this isn’t an ‘RFP’ - you aren’t offering to pay anyone anything to do your dirty work. You asked for advice and appear to get mad when some of the advice you receive is not to your liking. Don’t act entitled, it’s literally free help/advice in a public forum. Even if someone’s suggestions don’t help you, they might help the next person with a similar situation/concern that comes looking for advice.

  • I’m not providing day to day tech support

    This is the problem. Debloating Windows is a tug of war with Microsoft. Many here have pointed out you’d need to likely re-run the scripts after Windows Updates. After getting over the initial hump, you are likely going to be needed less day by day going the Linux route (or give up on them actually using a debloated and tracker free Windows).


    1. Your parents are sharper than you are giving them credit, and they’d likely pick it up pretty quick.

    2. They really are as unsavvy as you say and should not be downloading and installing whatever software they think they need on Windows, and would likely be safer on any Linux distro with a gui package manager.

  • Frankly, the way MS has been heading for the last decade, you either get OK with their official bloat and trackers or you switch to Linux. Anything else is just lying to yourself. That’s why you are getting those recommendations.

    I’m also suspect of legacy software (not proprietary, but legacy) being supported in Windows 11 that wine can’t handle. The only stuff I’ve ran into that won’t run is DRM laden trash, and if that’s the case I wouldn’t classify it as ‘legacy’ if their call home servers are still running and supported.

  • Gaming on Linux is really not as bad as all that unless you play a lot of games with invasive anti-cheat; which honestly, even if you never try Linux and stick to windows, I’d recommend avoiding or at least having a separate windows install for. I’m not a fan of having to install a rootkit on my computer that constantly monitors everything I do just to prove to some mega-corp I’m an honest player (especially considering how poorly even those work to stop cheaters).

    I’d highly recommend anyone upset with microsoft to at least setup dual boot with one of the popular gaming specific Linux distos and trying it out. Even if you did a few years ago, it has really come a long way in the last few years.

  • I have nearly 1000 hours in Baldur’s Gate 3 and JUST NOW learned that Jason Isaacs was the voice of Gortash… I did recognize JK Simmons but honestly wasn’t 100% sure it was him until the second or third time meeting him and finally looking it up on IMDB to confirm (and somehow still missed Jason Isaacs - I did learn about Matt Mercer’s role as Minsc which still blows my mind).