• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • My personal belief still is that the prohibitive approach is futile and ultimately more harmful than the alternative: embrace the technology, promote it and create deepfakes of everyone.

    Soon the taboo will be gone, the appeal as well, and everyone will have plausible deniability too, because if there are dozens of fake nudes of any given person then who is to say which are real, and why does it even matter at that point?

    This would be a great opportunity to advance our societal values and morals beyond prudish notions, but instead we double down on them.

    E: just to clarify I do not at all want to endorse creating nudity of minors here. Just point out that the girl in the article wouldn’t have to humiliate herself trying to do damage control in the above scenario, because it would be entirely unimportant.

  • Your second paragraph is just the point I am trying to make no? People can’t choose who they love or are attracted (or not attracted) to.

    So I am uncomfortable with the suggestion that any cis person who doesnt want to date a trans person should set up a disclaimer on their profile, with the afterthought insinuating that they shouldn’t have an issue with that unless they are secretly transphobic, or trans averse as you put it.

    Personally I (as a straight cis dude) am very supportive of equal rights for non straight people, and think they are a beautiful facet of mankind. I would be fully supporting most of their causes, but that doesnt mean I am suddenly attracted to, broadly speaking, not cis women. I can’t change that, or make an exception for someone, that’s simply not how I was wired. Would you consider that trans averse? Honest question.

  • I dont think suggesting transphobia when it comes to sexual preferences is appropriate, people can’t choose those any more than they can choose to be black or white. There are also simple biological facts, perhaps a person wishes to have biological children with their partner. Or any other reason really, romantic preferences are entirely subjective and often not even a conscious preference.

    That being said, i think a good compromise would be for people to be able to give these kinds of personal preferences to the dating site, similar to the age ranges they want to encounter. Then the system would automatically prevent incompatible preferences from getting matched, and nobody has to out themselves.