Turns out evil is profitable.
Turns out evil is profitable.
Economics is a social science not a hard science, it’s highly reactive to rumors and speculation. The stock market kind of does just run on vibes.
They want you to owe your soul to the company store, to live hand-to-mouth by their largess.
Fork your own off the existing open source project, then your app uses your fork running on your hardware.
Generational wealth is a bitch and doesn’t really prove anything.
They were quoting Jaws.
I’m sure there’s other stuff for you to be offended about though.
That’s a non sequitur though, unless you’re suggesting a tyrant would nuke the population he wanted to rule.
If you weren’t willing to give up a bowl of cereal in the morning you weren’t going to do shit anyway, nice try.
fire engines from other states being waylaid for emissions testing
I know this is false and it brings into question everything else you’ve said. Whoever you’re getting your news from is lying to you.
It’s French, it’s the strongest part of a sword, and it’s pronounced fort.