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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • It was fine. In NYC roommates and I have been in different apartments that were both 5 and 6 floor walkups. This was when we were in our 20’s - early 40’s. Thing is that after a few weeks you don’t really notice the stairs anymore. Bonus is your legs will be pretty strong!

    Sure we also had to lug groceries/laundry up the same flight of stairs, a bit annoying but nothing unusual. Didn’t have a car either so all that stuff would get carried x amount of blocks from the apartment or even a subway trip.

    In my late 40’s / going into 50’s I’m not so sure I’d still do those type of walkups anymore.

    PS - Yeah pay for movers when doing moves in/out of walkup buildings, you really don’t want to do that yourself. It’s fine when you only need to go up the stairs once/twice a day but repeatedly for a move is much harder.

  • Something like that is more likely to work if it’s the same exact hardware, an XP image applied onto a totally different system is likely going to BSOD when all the current drivers it has installed suddenly stop working. And XP being XP, you’re not going to find new drivers for new hardware.

    A lot of these XP machines running other hardware also have their own specific drivers and long unsupported proprietary middleware installed that won’t transfer onto new systems easily.

    But I do agree with you on the disk image, if only the hard drive on that XP system dies then that’s an easy fix. Worst case OP would have to hunt around for an IDE drive if that desktop is particularly ancient.

  • Over 800. In my case there’s plenty of credit history since I’ve been using credit cards for just about all purchases that can be paid that way. All the credit cards get paid off in full every month.

    Here in the U.S. credit scores are an unfortunate reality so it’s good to maintain some sort of credit history whether it’s credit cards, loans/mortgages, etc.

  • Talk to families of unjustified imprisoned people or to the people itself.

    Do you actually know & speak to people in El Salvador? Pretty much everyone I know there (family/friends) are ecstatic that there are no more gang members running around unchecked. The country is safer now then it has been in years.

    Nothing is perfect of course, poverty is still a major issue, but not having to deal with gang members every time you ride the bus, go out shopping, even just drive around, it’s a huge deal over there.

    Sure I get what you’re saying but for most people there it’s been a positive development.

    But since he just imprisoned everyone and their relatives, its only a temporary fix – unless he wants to imprison them for life.

    True… to be honest I suspect those people are imprisoned for life. No one expects gang members to be let out of prison while Bukele is still running the country, that’s going to be something that gets revisited when/if he’s out of office. It’s a massive human rights issue but at least for now the majority of Salvadorans consider it a net positive.

    The funny thing is that this article is about bitcoin & most Salvadorans don’t particularly care about that at all, it’s just kind of a headline that isn’t going to win/lose Bukele any support in the short term at least.

  • I use a sea salt grinder to lightly salt things when cooking. Can’t afford to eat out too often so cooking is my normal routine.

    Other people, especially older people, do pour salt on pretty much all meals. Especially with older people who tend to be able to taste things less strongly so their normal response is to add even more salt. And then they wonder why they have high blood pressure, etc.

    You mentioned iodine but that’s usually an additive in table salt, not sure how many people eat table salt vs other types of salt… me personally I’ve been using sea salt for years & that type usually does not have iodine.

  • The one I was at just gathered everyone together to let them know layoffs were coming. I was also part of the tech support for the office so I stayed a bit longer to help them wind down systems, wipe hard drives, that sort of thing. The owners were pretty nice/upfront about the whole thing, basically gave everyone something like 2-3 month’s pay upfront & told everyone the business is winding down.

    The owners did try to find a buyer for the tech & maybe break even or recoup some losses but that didn’t pan out. AFAIK the investors just took it as a loss, it’s a startup and sometimes startups fail.

    We weren’t in fancy offices or anything like you see in movies & whatnot, it was more like working in an industrial warehouse converted for office use. Like the kind of building that doesn’t provide hot water unless you install water heaters yourself, no central AC, that sort of thing. We had one final party & trashed the space on the way out LOL. I think they just walked away from the lease, it’s not like there was any $$ coming in to pay it anymore.

    In the last few months after moving out a few remaining people (the owners, tech support, etc.) worked from within the investment group’s own offices (they gave us a spare room to work in). Mostly to deal with the old systems/hard drives & prep the existing data in case the owners found a buyer.