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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024


  • This stems from the fact that, so far, the earliest dated written fragments we have from what is now the New Testament are some of the writings of Paul.

    Paul was not one of the Apostles, and it seems possible that, after persecuting earlier, existing Christians, he could have basically had a stress induced psychotic break and hallucinated the vision of Jesus that he had, then converted.

    Thing is though, Christians would have to … you know exist and already be a real thing first, for that to make sense.

    It does explain why Paul does not mention some very key elements of the narrative of the Gospels: He just had not actually read about or heard of those parts yet.

    This creates some theological problems down the line, and some of those problems were ‘remedied’ by what a good deal of scholars and historians believe to be forgeries… chapters of the Bible that modern Christians attribute to Paul, but do not seem to actually have been written by Paul.

    It is also possible to some of the empty tomb accounts in some of the Gospels as similar kinds of trauma induced hallucinations.

    Mark famously originally just ends with an empty tomb, and nobody said anything about this because they were scared… and then the last bit of verses giving Mark a more satisfying ending have been shown to be added … decades later.

  • There exists documented proof in many bits of literature from around 200 BCE to around 100 CE of numerous different figures in what is called ‘Jewish Apocalypticism’, basically a small in number but persistent phenomenon of Jews in and around what was for most of that time the Roman province of Palestine, preaching that the end would come, that God or a Messiah would return or arise and basically liberate the region and install a Godly Kingdom, usually after or as part of other fantastical events.

    Jesus was one of many of these Jewish Apocalypticists. Much like the rest of the movement’s key figures, they were wrong, and their lives were greatly exaggerated in either their writings or writings about them or inspired by them.

    This seems to be the (extremely condensed) opinion of most Biblical Scholars.

    There are a very small number of modern Biblical Scholars that are ‘Mythicists’ of some kind, who believe that Jesus was completely fictional and wholly invented by certain people or groups.

    This is an unpopular view amongst scholars and historians of that time and region, as most believe it more plausible that Jesus was just another example of a radical Jewish Apocalyptic preacher, which again, was fairly common for roughly 300 years in that region.

    Its like how if you go to a big city theres always that one guy with a megaphone preaching imminent doom. 99% of people think this is silly and ignore them, but tons of people know that people like them exist and do have small followings.

  • Depends on how the combo works. Is there an element of skill involved? If it’s like a rhythm game I would just call it a puzzle/rhythm game. Otherwise it’s just a puzzle game with extra steps.

    That was in my OP though, that most games can be thought of as puzzle games with extra steps.

    EDIT: I would agree that Tetris is not a puzzle game.

    This is quite interesting to me.

    My main point of this post is to highlight how the genres and categories we have for games breaks down upon examination and I guess changes over time.

    I would say that most people either have or would call Tetris basically the most popular puzzle game.

    When it came out it was basically the titular, archetypal ‘puzzle’ game.

  • Puzzle games can be solved or “won” by identifying the solution. Not-puzzle games require execution.

    If you have 2 minutes to solve a puzzle, is it no longer a puzzle game?

    If moving certain colored pieces requires a button combo or sequence, instead of a simple action, is this no longer a puzzle game?


    Also, by this logic, Tetris is not a puzzle game.

    …but knowing the optimal thing to do will still not give you victory which imo disqualifies them as outright puzzle games.

    Knowing the optimal thing to do can be seen as but a higher order puzzle.

  • MMOs are probably the most notorious genre at this point for being extremely overproduced puzzle games.

    Sure, there are different builds and strats… but its all very formulaic and boring once you find something that works.

    Not to mention a huge, huge amount of them are basically just pay to win, to varying degrees, these days.

    Although you could argue they do not actually have a goal… hrm.

    Like obviously there are quests and goals and story arcs but technically, there probably are some mmos where you could just make your personal goal something wildly unconventional.

    I haven’t played many mmos in a while, but that kind of spirit seems to just only be further and further dying out, I just hope theres still some mmo it exists somewhere.

  • Is Portal a… First Person Shooter with Puzzle Gameplay? A First Person Puzzle Game?

    Is Elden Ring an extremely difficult Action RPG, or is it really just an easy Action RPG hiding behind an opaque and complex system of weapons and armor and enemy types and stats that becomes simple once a viable solution to the puzzle of stats and weapons becomes apparent after either reading a guide or just brute forcing through tens or hundreds of hours of bad solutions?

    (For that matter, what even is an RPG?

    Role Playing Game?

    If that just means that you play a character, ie role, and it is an immersive and or compelling story and world, ok, thats a loooot of games.

    Does it mean you can customize your character’s appearance or weapons or stat-build? Ok tons of non RPGs allow for that, and tons of classic RPGs do not allow you to alter your character’s appearance.

    If it means you have the ability to put yourself into the game, make choices and do things differently in a way that meaningfully changes how the world of the game responds, then a whole lot of ‘RPGs’ are hardly RPGs at all, as many develop your character(s) as part of their story line to the point that many decisions presented seem entirely out of the established character’s likely responses, or give the player few if any impactful choices, having a mostly or entirely linear storyline.

    By that metric most immersive sims are more RPG than many ‘RPGs’, anything with a branching storyline or highly reactive world is as well.)

  • What game involves super human perfect timing that does not include some other kind of puzzle to be solved?

    Fighting games? Micro Heavy RTS or MOBAs? Bullet Hell Shooters?

    All of these have strategy and can thus be reduced to puzzles.

    I suppose if a game was purely just, click button as fast as you can after something happens, then ok, you got me, but add even one more element, and technically this is an extremely simple puzzle, albeit brutally unforgiving in terms of getting your human body to solve the puzzle.

    Is there something different you have in mind?

    EDIT: Alkheemist answered this later, with rhythm games (that have no elements of strategy ie, GuitarHero is not a puzzle but NecroDancer still is). I agree those are not puzzles. Skipped my mind as I have not played one in a very long time.

    I would say you also have got me on a pure RNG slot game. Theres no gameplay, theres no puzzle, theres no strategy.

    At least, within the game itself. If youre going to somehow exploit or hack or something, arguably thats now a real world puzzle of how to do it and not go to jail, but excepting that… yeah, there are lots of online ‘games’ with literally no puzzle element, just do thing and then random output happens, with a bunch of flashy graphics that have 0 bearing on what the outcome will be, whether its a digitized horse race or slots or whatever.

    I would argue those are not really games though.

    The player cannot make any choice that is more or less likely to achieve the goal, thus its the illusion of a game. No meaningful choices.

  • possibly because it could be easily confused with ‘fix this shit’?

    Who knows, theres no real rhyme or reason to how lingo evolves, somethings get popular, other don’t others go through popularity waves and other totally change meaning.

    For example, the origin of the phrase ‘pull yourself up by your bootstraps’ is, in its original context, meant to denote something that is obviously impossible.

    You cant pull your feet up so hard you’ll float or fly. Its like the modern nonsense propulsion/infinite energy memes from 4chan or plugging a power strip into itself to power it

    But, nowadays, it means basically ‘do something difficult and unpleasant’, wíth the implication that ‘i did it, so can you, if you cant or dont, there must be something wrong with you’.

    Almost the opposite of its original meaning.

  • This would happen in a just world.

    It won’t though.

    Reminds me of the recent millionaire guy who got lambasted on YT (i think his actual posts were on TikTok?).

    Guys, I am going to lock up my money, my phone have no contacts and go to a new city and start from nothing and earn a million dollars in 30 or 90 days or something.

    Whoah big surprise, a few weeks in he has to call the whole thing off for health reasons.

    OMG he got robbed? Lost his paper work and thus couldn’t get the right aid? The shelters are full? Sleeping outside in a city is extremely dangerous and unhealthy? Your hygiene suffers? No one talks to you or treats you like a human being?

    In a just world we’d put the income tax levels back to around FDR levels and thus be able to actually fund social programs and eliminate a great deal of the wealthy’s massive over representation in politics.

    Instead it looks like we will be making a b-line toward theocratic corporatocracy.


    Edit: Income and Corporate tax levels.

  • I have had multiple people in my life tell me that it is irresponsible to not have my phone on, 24/7, in case they need to message me about something.

    These are the same people who get angry anytime I message them and they are busy, but also get angry if I am busy and don’t immediately reply to them.

    I’ve been woken up so many times at 2 am…

    At least in my life, its quite common for people to be hypocritical douchebags.