So, our government’s “crack down on beneficiaries” also includes disabled children.

Apparently disabled people are, what? Leaches sucking the life out of the economy or something?

How long until disabled people have to “work” for their support? Or perhaps we should just put them on a train and take them to a “work camp”?

    6 months ago

    That is a great point. Even if you look at it from a total psychopath accountant’s point of view, chucking a few scraps at the parents to keep them from totally giving up is a tiny fraction of the cost of the alternatives.

    When our child was diagnosed the fairly bulky information pack that the DHB gave us had this depressing sheet at the start with a foreword that said you need to rethink any goals you might have had for your child. In the same section there was something to the effect that more than half of marriages where a child has this diagnosis end in divorce.

    I was freaking amazed they would put that in writing ( even if it is true! ). I told my partner that she would be best to skip the start and look at the rest of the information.