• pyre@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    i don’t follow the comics but things that are established that i know of are:

    • Bruce Wayne is insanely wealthy
    • Uses his wealth for his bat-themed middle age crisis (bat sports car, bat private jet, bat motorcycle, bat gondola probably)
    • Other than that the best thing he does for other people is “philanthropy” (in the real world this is a scam by the wealthy) unless you count taking in his young lover sidekick
    • The police and the politicians are extremely corrupt and are for sale.

    Now from all this i gather it would be very easy for Bruce to get actual political power in Gotham to make real change but he doesn’t do it because running around in a furry costume is more fun.

    Even apart from that, sneaking around in a costume talking about how you’re the night or the knight or whatever is on its own very cringe and psychotic.