• Flax@feddit.uk
    19 days ago

    I think the Problem of Evil actually makes sense when you consider eternity and infinity. The infinity that God is and Eternity that Heaven is, earthly sufferings really will be seen to be nothing. You probably don’t worry about that exam anymore that you were studying for as a kid. As for the boulder thing, you may as well say maths is illogical as “can you make something greater than infinity” while infinity + 1 is equal to infinity.

    As for Occam’s razor- how does it explain the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? There’s not really a simple explanation to why 2000 years ago, a lot of guys simultaneously told of the same dude who rose from the dead, then lived a life of suffering and no gain and end up dying because they wouldn’t claim to be wrong. Along with hundreds of these early Christians turning into thousands. Something big did happen - we count our years by it. It’s as if God actually did enter earth as a human.

    • PapaStevesy@lemmy.world
      18 days ago

      But the moral code of the Bible is strict and unchangeable. Yet you yourself believe morality is relative. Why then are you content letting this being you admit has no capability for relativistic perspective judge our eternal souls based on said unchangeable moral code? Seems pretty illogical.

        • PapaStevesy@lemmy.world
          18 days ago

          I think the Problem of Evil actually makes sense when you consider eternity and infinity. The infinity that God is and Eternity that Heaven is, earthly sufferings really will be seen to be nothing. You probably don’t worry about that exam anymore that you were studying for as a kid.

          That’s moral relativism to a T. The evil perpetrated by God on humans via unnecessary pain, disease, and death is relatively moral given the vastness of eternity. Basically you’re saying it’s ok for a god to create little playthings to torture because it lives a long time. I disagree.

          • Flax@feddit.uk
            17 days ago

            Evil isn’t perpetuated by God, though. Evil is perpetuated by us.

            • PapaStevesy@lemmy.world
              17 days ago

              Perpetuate - “make something continue indefinitely”

              So we perpetuate it, but who created it? Who made us with the ability to perpetuate evil? Who decided what is and isn’t evil? Why do you only give god credit for the good stuff when you believe it made everything in the universe? You have to count the bad stuff too or it’s not really god.

              • Flax@feddit.uk
                17 days ago

                We have free will. Satan brought evil into the world. God will destroy Satan, but first, He’s proving Satan wrong that humans aren’t unworthy.

                • PapaStevesy@lemmy.world
                  17 days ago

                  Who made Satan? And why would God knowingly enter into a bargain over the souls he created with the embodiment of evil? Why does the most powerful being ever conceived need to prove anything to anyone? Much less someone he created.

                  • Flax@feddit.uk
                    16 days ago

                    Because if God just destroyed us immediately for being evil, would that be merciful?

    • HeavyRaptor@lemmy.zip
      18 days ago

      Let me start with the calendar because I actually had to look up the history of calendars (which was super interesting). The first person to use A.D. was a monk called Dionysius who used it around 525. In the Roman empire years were counted by the year of the current reigning Consul. Dionysius wanted to avoid using the calendar based on Roman emperor Diocletian who widely persecuted christians. This new system was adopted by the church only.

      Centering the calendar around nativity of Jesus was only adopted as an official calendar by Holy Roman emperor Charlemagne in around 1600, and the rest of the world changed over to it over time until around 1900.

      So the people actually living in 1 A.D. had no idea they were living in the year of the lord.

      As far as I know we only really know that Jesus was a real man in the Herodian Kingdom at the time and that he was in fact crucified around 33 A.D. (which would not have been called A.D. at the time). Weather we believe he was truly resurrected is more of a question of faith, relying on religious sources. So basically applying Occam’s razor I would say that the resurrection was just part of the religious texts written by monks, not necessarily something that was 100% true.

      In maths there are definitely larger and smaller infinities. Take for example the set of all natural numbers [1, 2, 3, …]. This is an infinite set. Compare this to the set of rational numbers, these can be expressed as a fraction of two natural numbers [1/1, 1/2, 1/3, …]. There is already an infinite amount of rational numbers between 1 and 2, making this an uncountably larger infinite set. All this being said, the boulder thing always sounded a bit weird to me but it does raise the question of what we mean by omnipotence, and can we accept the existance of such a being, all of this gets very philosophical. (the paradox has several proposed resolutions if you are interested btw, some more satisfying than others)

      Which brings us back to the problem of evil. Let’s say our lives on Earth are just a test to see if we are accepted in heaven. This explains why bad things happen as they are a test of faith. But this just raises more questions:

      Why does it take God our entire lives to decide whether we are accepted? What about babies that die during birth or shortly after? How can they prove their faith?

      Anyway, this got way too long. I’d like to reiterate that I think religion has very positive aspects: community, belonging, purpose, an answer to what happens after death.

      But I’d also say that historically, religion (especially Christianity) was a tool to keep the masses docile and subdued, allowing the church to hold power over hundreds of years but also kept believers somewhat safe, at lest from their own community - commandments like do not kill, steal, or even Jewish customs of not eating specific types of meat. If they had to make up, or embellish things to keep it going, that was a price they were willing to pay.

      • Flax@feddit.uk
        18 days ago

        Why does it take God our entire lives to decide whether we are accepted? What about babies that die during birth or shortly after? How can they prove their faith?

        Simple. Mercy. If we screwed up, then God would destroy us immediately. If God were to just stop evil happening on Earth, he’d have to kill everyone at the first moment that they sin. Either that or take away free will.

        I would say that the resurrection was just part of the religious texts written by monks, not necessarily something that was 100% true.

        Biblical scholars would disagree. The earliest text that we have that mentions the resurrection was written by AD 51.

        1 Thessalonians 1:9-10

        For the people of those regions report about us what kind of welcome we had among you, and how you turned to God from idols, to serve a living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead—Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath that is coming.

        Again, it’s worth mentioning that immediate writings were VERY RARE then. The entire Gospel of Mark would have cost the same as a house for a scribe to copy. Which is why we don’t have many writings from that time.

        • PapaStevesy@lemmy.world
          18 days ago

          Sorry, but Biblical scholars’ proof of the resurrection is from the Bible? You see how that’s not convincing right?

          God created sin and hell, it didn’t need to do that. After three decades as a Christian, the best answer I could get to the question “Why did God make the universe and us in it?” was “so we could praise it for eternity in heaven.” So it could have just created us in heaven already. Instead it created a whole universe of randomness and ever-increasing chaos, stuck us in it and said, “You better love me and follow these very specific, often inane and arbitrary rules, or I’ll send you to this other place I made where all you feel is pain for eternity.” The god of the Bible is an egomaniacal sadist and it’s not worthy of your praise.

          • Flax@feddit.uk
            17 days ago

            That’s like saying our proof for Caesar is Caesar’s writing. Now if I said Caesar’s writings were true because he said so, that would be circular reasoning. But no, they are backed up by history. In the same way, the Bible can prove Christianity, but circular reasoning is when I try and use the Bible to prove itself because it says it’s true. Although proof can lie within such as criteria of embarrassment, but mainly it’s to how it relates to what else we know about that time, which is how it lines up. Unlike, for example, the book of mormon which is completely verifiably fake as it talks about systems in an ancient america which we know didn’t exist

            • PapaStevesy@lemmy.world
              17 days ago

              I’m taking that as tacit agreement that your god is an egomaniacal sadist but you don’t mind cuz it’s old, just fyi

                  • Flax@feddit.uk
                    16 days ago

                    What’s wrong with Children? And didn’t we create that atrocity though by choosing to do that? He created sex to be between a consenting man and woman within marriage, not for using to abuse people.