Have I been out of the loop on politics?

Wasn’t it the Dems who voted to protect Union Pensions? Republicans voted against it.

Dems voted to extend the child tax credit this year. EVERY Republican voted against it.

And didn’t Kamala Harris run on helping with funding for first time home buyers?

When did the narrative of Dems being against the working class start? Was it just because Bernie said it recently?

  • s38b35M5@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I think there’s a misconception about elected officials. Many people believe they work to improve the lives of American citizens, but they don’t.

    This. They want votes. They do what they think will get them votes. And yet, often – and in the last election – the democrats that help the people (like by walking a union picket line, supporting LGBTQ+ and basic human rights, legalizing cannabis, reducing penalties petty crimes, etc.) don’t get the votes that are part of the bargain.

    They vote for and enact legislation that helps the people, and the people don’t re-elect them. The incentive shifts to satisfying wealthy donors.