Some argue that bots should be entitled to ingest any content they see, because people can.

    1 year ago

    AI does not learn as we do when ingesting information.

    I read an article about a subject. I will forget some of it. I will misunderstand some of it. I will not understand some of it. (These two are different because in misunderstanding I think I understand but I am wrong. In simply not understanding the information I can not make heads or tails of that portion)

    Later when I make use of what I may have learned these same effects will happen again to whatever it was I correctly understood.

    Another, I as a natural intelligence know what I can quote, and what I should not due to copyrights, social mores, and law. AI regurgitates everything that might match regardless of source.

    The third issue: The AI does not understand even with copious training data. It does not know that dogs bark, it does not have a concept of a dog.

    I once wrote a more simple program that took a body of text and noted the third letter following each set of two, it built probability tables from the pair of letters + the next letter. After ingesting what little training information I was able to give it it would choose two letters at random and then generate the following letter using the statistics it had learned. It had no concept of words, much less the meaning of any words it might form.