Carrying a GPS tracker wouldn’t be the smartest thing to do, wouldn’t we need someone like Europe or Canada who control their own satellites to assist?

Would this spark the beginning of a space war?

    23 days ago
    • GPS receiver are passive device, they do not transmit your position. However, we’ve seen in Ukraine and middle-east that GPS are easy to jam.

    • As other have stated ham radio are simple to build, long range, and reliable. However, once you emmit it’s fairly easy to pinpoint your position

    • I am not sure why Local peer to peer network haven’t been a thing. i am old enough to remember the era where we had network cable hanging from the windows of student residency to build a kind of building-wide LAN, looks so much easier with wifi

    • Be careful with encrypted mobile phones, The Enro-chat network let the police listen to drug-lord in clear for like 2 years leading to a massive arrest. I believe it requewstd a huge work for the police to arrest them, but they’ve done-it Encryption may still help though, just don’t over estimate the budget government can put to break-it if needed (let alone all the backdoors in commercial-grade devices).

    • Pigeon, dead-drop, and courrier are very efficient, it doesn’t look as cool as space hacker. but this works