So I learned that if a MicroSD card gets snapped in half, its unrecoverable.

Okay, so suppose you were in war, and enemy soldiers were about to raid you. You just snap the cards in half and the data is un-recoverable, right?

    8 days ago

    Sorry the first link was wrong but the second link was a research paper that showed them doing it.

    Just google electron microscope eeprom and you will find hundreds of documents on the procedure. The second link I provided wasn’t theoretical. It showed it actually being done. “All those parameters allowed us to obtain clear differences between ‘0’ and ‘1’ states as seen in Figure 4. It has to be noted that this image is obtained without additional image processing to highlight differences between ‘0’ and ‘1’ states.”

    "demonstrate the possible [emphasis added] automating "

    It doesn’t say it isn’t possible but that they have a possible way of AUTOMATING it. That is instead of someone looking at the image and reading off the bits into bytes, they could take the image and output the data without human intervention.