Trump’s new 25% tariffs on Canadian goods, along with threats of more on lumber and dairy, have sparked widespread backlash in Canada.
Canadians are boycotting American products, canceling U.S. trips, and rallying around “Buy Canadian” efforts. Ontario has banned U.S. liquor sales, and Premier Doug Ford threatened to cut electricity exports.
British Columbia’s premier vowed national unity against the tariffs. The federal government launched a $5 billion aid program for affected businesses.
Many Canadians see the tariffs as a betrayal and reject Trump’s taunts about making Canada the 51st state.
It wasn’t even the trade war. It was the disrespect. It was the questioning of our sovereignty.
Friend can have disagreements. They can even have a fight. Biden tariffed softwood lumber. We didn’t get angry like this, because he never disrespected our country. But this time Trump went all meth head started talking shit about us. This isn’t a difference of opinion. This was made personal.
The US burnt our relationship to the ground and pissed on the ashes.
Don’t expect honesty from the bootlicking mainstream networks. Those concerned with appearing “impartial” when one side is an avowed dictator are not concerned with honesty- only profits.
AP and Propublica are far better options or if you want that left wing bias fox news says mainstream media has, go with Vox.
Treat it like the attack on York and go burn the house down again, the military probably wouldn’t even mind.
Americans have made it perfectly clear “We are NOT Canada’s friend.”
So, …in words Americans can understand:
“Ya’ll can go fuck yourselves.”
You have declared to us, the USA is an enemy state. Bent on taking Canada over.
You voted on it.
As a US citizen, it makes me so happy that this is making Canada and Europe become stronger and more willing to stand up for themselves.
Since the end of World War II, the USA has been a big bully swinging it’s dick around fucking up the planet and getting hardly any consequences for being such a dick. The only reason we had a period of relative “stability” was because no one would stand up to the country that was siphoning off the wealth of the rest of the world for its own. The USA decimated countless countries and enabled despots who were willing to give the USA what it wanted. (*cough Saddam Hussein, Operation Ajax cough)
This honestly has been a long time coming and well deserved. It is going to hurt me and everyone I love, but too many US citizens have been ignoring this festering wound of a problem for eighty years.
As another American, fully agree. We have been ruining other parts of the planet for a long time just so everyone here can have cheap food and toys to keep them complacent. Even though I was technically covered under it by enlistment, our rule about never sending anyone to The Hague despite what they do has always made me feel like we are not the good guys, just the strongest ape.
Trek made me hope we’d see the stars as a united planet one day but we seem to be regressing and hopefully CA and EU becoming more self-reliant can lead to that.
Acshually, that’s Y’all, a contraction for You’se All.
And y’all is technically for a small group of people, when referring to a large group of people (like a whole country):
All y’all
is actually the correct terminology.
All y’all can go fuck yourselves.
interesting! i generally think of “y’all” being the group and “all y’all” being every individual in the group. dialects are fascinating
All y’all : collective.
Each y’all : individuals
Each y’all in my dialect would be like… “I need each y’all to do something for me, you don’t all have to do it the same” where as “y’all need to do something for me” is just someone needs to do it, be it an individual or a subset of the group. “all y’all need to do something for me” is “You, as an entire group, have wronged me and I need you all to get in alignment together, and if you don’t, there will be consequences”
Yes! Indeed, “All y’all can go fuck yourselves.”
I think in this case, y’all is more accurate. At least to my understanding. “All y’all” is for every single person in a group, based on my understanding. “Y’all” is the group as a whole. As someone who voted against Trump twice, I’m fine being lumped in with my stupid brethren. We deserve it. But I really don’t want to be seen as one member of that stupid group or people.
Splitting hairs, I know, but what else would we do in Internet forums!?
But I really don’t want to be seen as one member of that stupid group or people.
Let me ask you, when you think of Germany in 1940, do you think deeply about all the Germans who weren’t Nazis?
Whether we like it or not, that’s how history will remember us. The only ones who are remembered outside of that tend to people who fought against Nazism at great personal risk. I am in poverty and in ill health, I will doubtfully be able to achieve that kind remembrance for myself, more likely to become a statistical death, one of the many killed in Trump’s consolidation of power.
Not “all yous”?
Def. not. You’se or you’s is North Easter afaik. I mixed them for rhetorical effect, which as you can see worked quite well.
Canadians have two moods. The first is “I’m sorry”, the second is “You’ll be sorry.”
Second mood activated.
Canada has two sides of a coin, one is “I’m sorry” and the second is “we’re the reason for a lot of the Geneva Convention”
A Ukrainian has since broken the record but if you really piss off a Canadian they’ll say “sorry but fuck you” from 2 miles away.
A Ukrainian that we trained.
Yes, we’re really proud of our long distance telecommunication. It’s like the sound of jungle drums, one ping only.
I’ve been saying “Canadians are nice by choice, not because of something in the water.”
I like this one, too. I intend on stealing it and spreading it. #ElbowsUp
I’m still in the opinion that we should send corn beef as peace offering.
Trump: being Trump
Canada: “Oh, ya wanna fuckin’ go?!”
Canada throws down the hockey gloves.
Elbows up
Take off eh!
Friendly Americans, if you didn’t sign up for this divorce don’t just be sorry, be LOUD. Tell every representative you have just how much bullshit this is, and how un-American it is to turn on an ally.
For those that don’t, just know that silence is assent: you are agreeing to your government’s actions. And if that is the case, get bent, ya hoser.
I’ve been saying the same thing to every apologetic American; we don’t want your apologies, we want your anger.
If you’re so God damn sorry about this, put a stop to it. Until you do, your words mean nothing.
Exactly. Screw your thoughts and prayers, be our ally or don’t. No middle ground here.
I’m not even asking them to be our allies. I don’t need them to give a single flying fuck about us. We’ll take care of ourselves if we have to. I just need them to fix their God damn country before its too late, because that’s the one problem only they can solve.
This has nothing to do with politeness. This is about standing up for yourself.
Indeed. And standing up for yourself is NOT impolite, despite what the US Republicans seem to think.
The American business sector, and the idiots who voted Trump on the promise of financial gain, are about to learn a painful lesson.
They are going to learn that there are some things that you simply cannot walk back.
They are going to learn how long it takes Canadians to forget threats to their sovereignty.
They will learn that there is a tangible financial penalty for betrayal of allies.
There is no leeway here. If Americans are ever allowed to vote in a free election again, it is abundantly clear that one third of you will absolutely vote for more of this MAGA Insanity, and one third of you will absolutely, as demonstrated, sit on your asses and not vote against it.
We will never trust the collective You the People again for what you’ve done.
Funny thing is Florida is quiet on this, they know they will be hurting from all the tourism money they won’t be getting from Canadians, rightfully so.
DeSantis tried to play it off by pointing out how many Canadians still chose to visit Florida anyway… In 2024.
So, apparently he thinks we have time travel.
In 2024.
Helpfully highlighting the baseline so that we can see how much it changes over time.
Yeah, ironically by bragging about how much of their tourism comes from Canada he’s just telling us how much they have to lose.
Florida isn’t quiet, their governor used the 2024 tourism stats to mock Canadians boycott of the US, which, you know, started in 2025.
We didn’t start it. Trump did. Being polite doesn’t mean we are willing to take shit from anyone. We are polite to them, for their own protection.
I’m rooting for you, Canada. The US needs to reap the consequences of what we’ve sown.
It would be nice if the other half of Americans weren’t just standing around watching this happen, but thanks.
Don’t root for us, root for yourselves. We don’t need your moral support, we need you guys to put a stop to your country’s slide into fascism before its too late.
For my Canadian friends, and soon to be friends, thank you for doing what you can during this trying period in our relationship. I didn’t vote for this shitshow, and am doing what I can from South of the Border. We’ll get together for some poutine, and green chili when things settle down a bit. K? Love YOU ALL!
The fight for justice, democracy, and civility knows no borders. You (singular), and those who fight against oppression will always be our brothers/sisters IMO.
We know you’re there, and we know who we are and aren’t booing when we boo the Star-Spangled Banner.
I think I can speak for most Canadians if I say we’re sorry that standing up for ourselves means hurting you, but we’re not sorry for standing up for ourselves.
It’s a new era, indeed.
I’m enjoying the fact that the comments went from support Canada to an intro class on US linguistics. Love it!!
Nah, Canadians couldn’t even defend their own truckers…
Sorry, which truckers are we defending?
Please tell me you don’t mean the Flu Trucks Klan that belligerently blocked trade routes over a need to act like responsible grownups, to vaccinate, and to act like there was an actual pandemic. The ones who started fires in homes through letter boxes, who sounded their horn all night while people were sleeping, who blocked emergency vehicles - and there’s a special place in hell for that - and attacked tow operators ordered to keep routes clear?
Those truckers? Because those guys can eat shit all day.
They have tried to wake ppl up, but you didn’t. Current news is talking about what truckers could (might) have a point. And the jabs are not effective.
Now All y’all are going to take the trackers place to do stupid things. But no one going to listen to you.
We are all played out, and just not recognizing that…
The truckers that Putin funded, and a scam artist stole their funds those truckers, good riddance
Those chucklefucks are not Canadian.
I don’t know that. Sorry for my rumble.