• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • wicked as it can be, never really messed with our internal affairs.

    When you realize Ukraine is the reason Russia hasn’t come for other countries, it’ll make more sense.

    I get that you’re apparently in a nation you classify as developing. The same label can be applied to America in 1200ad or Ukraine/Gaza in 2025 – in all cases, no ability to prevent colonizers from taking the land if they choose.

    Unchecked, we’re all at risk. Just, developing countries are at risk of facing a war even more outbalanced than the belligerent invasion of Ukraine or Gaza.

  • I have to be on site Tue - Thur to support the users.

    My current day-job went from 100% get-in-that-chair-and-straighten-that-tie to 100% get-out-now on CoViD day 1. It was a rapid adjustment, to say the least; and the shit managers who needed to stare at asses all day to feel better just … left. They’ve since sold most of the office space but for some meeting space, 2 hotel spaces for those who prefer it, and one rotating helldesk dude to receive Fedex.

    Supporting users? Onsite? Nope. It’s 100% remote service, and for the rare cases where it needs physical interaction with a component, the user and gear comes to the office and the onsite helldesk stuckee works it over. For those of us far-remote (regs are anywhere in the country, so long as the internet’s clean) we cross-ship for cheap or bring it to one of a very few deputized-for-secret-squirrel shops. I have a docking port-replicator I’m waiting on a shipper label for, for instance.

    TL;DR - you don’t need to be onsite to support remote workers. That whole “bodies in the same room” thing is gone.