I think what I really felt was the lack of weight and force. I was one of those big beefy dudes forgot what they’re called and I made him HUGE. But when I walked around and such I felt like any boring 3rd person character. Contrast it with a game like Titanfall where moving as a pilot or a Titan feels radically different on every level. Sound, movement, vision, everything contributes to the power. There’s heft and momentum, your melee carries weight. If I’m some beefy 9’ft tall ogre dude with a massive shotgun I want to feel power dammit!
Well it’s not titan-level but the ogryn towers over all the other characters (with a much higher camera when you’re playing) and while the hit reactions on alive enemies are not huge (though he can usually stop most of them dead in their tracks with a single hit when he’s not one shotting them), all of his melee weapons send ragdolls flying in the direction of the strike and his guns usually turns enemies to paste or at least dismember on death. Also when you need to carry a power cell or whatever, all the other characters can only walk but the ogryn can run at full speed.
IIRC even when not geared and not leveled he just plows through the hordes (he has a lot more health and toughness than other characters too which makes him the king of crowd control) ultimately though, the toughness mechanics force you to have at least one squad member close by during fights or you’ll end up dying by a thousand cuts
Edit : I think the main issue with the power fantasy in Darktide is that the game is 100% skill based. With enough game knowledge and decent mechanical skills you can avoid pretty much every damages or special enemies’ attacks. But that does mean that when you don’t have that knowledge you’ll get your ass handed to you even by a small horde of poxwalkers, regardless of the character (though the ogryn will die slower because of his bigger health pool and better toughness regeneration mechanics against hordes of chaff)
You seem very knowledgeable of the game so I don’t really have anything in response. Ultimately I just didn’t deal with how it felt to play 🤷♂️ I put God knows how many hours into L4D back in the day and I just couldn’t stop comparing it to it. It felt thinner than L4D, levels weren’t as interesting, and I didn’t like how moving and such felt. Don’t get me wrong, I was impressed by what they made. The game is better than it has any right to be. But I just don’t think it’s for me
I think what I really felt was the lack of weight and force. I was one of those big beefy dudes forgot what they’re called and I made him HUGE. But when I walked around and such I felt like any boring 3rd person character. Contrast it with a game like Titanfall where moving as a pilot or a Titan feels radically different on every level. Sound, movement, vision, everything contributes to the power. There’s heft and momentum, your melee carries weight. If I’m some beefy 9’ft tall ogre dude with a massive shotgun I want to feel power dammit!
Well it’s not titan-level but the ogryn towers over all the other characters (with a much higher camera when you’re playing) and while the hit reactions on alive enemies are not huge (though he can usually stop most of them dead in their tracks with a single hit when he’s not one shotting them), all of his melee weapons send ragdolls flying in the direction of the strike and his guns usually turns enemies to paste or at least dismember on death. Also when you need to carry a power cell or whatever, all the other characters can only walk but the ogryn can run at full speed.
IIRC even when not geared and not leveled he just plows through the hordes (he has a lot more health and toughness than other characters too which makes him the king of crowd control) ultimately though, the toughness mechanics force you to have at least one squad member close by during fights or you’ll end up dying by a thousand cuts
Edit : I think the main issue with the power fantasy in Darktide is that the game is 100% skill based. With enough game knowledge and decent mechanical skills you can avoid pretty much every damages or special enemies’ attacks. But that does mean that when you don’t have that knowledge you’ll get your ass handed to you even by a small horde of poxwalkers, regardless of the character (though the ogryn will die slower because of his bigger health pool and better toughness regeneration mechanics against hordes of chaff)
You seem very knowledgeable of the game so I don’t really have anything in response. Ultimately I just didn’t deal with how it felt to play 🤷♂️ I put God knows how many hours into L4D back in the day and I just couldn’t stop comparing it to it. It felt thinner than L4D, levels weren’t as interesting, and I didn’t like how moving and such felt. Don’t get me wrong, I was impressed by what they made. The game is better than it has any right to be. But I just don’t think it’s for me