Anyone who knows about kids’ movies knows how popular princess movies are, especially Disney princesses. My child is six and absolutely loves them too. My child also loves princes and kings, but I’m having a hard time finding anything that features a character as easily beloved as Elsa or Moana for example. Even worse, a lot of the times male characters are just antagonists or at least stand in the way of the princess. I’d love to see a movie with a young prince who isn’t evil or dumb (as a joke) that kids can relate to. I think it also be cool if there was singing or magic or anything mystical. My kid kind of likes Shrek but I was hoping to find one about a human prince. The protagonist in the movie The Lorax is a young boy on a good mission, and we like that movie too, but we’re just looking for something bigger. I’m not looking for a movie that’s primarily fighting, a little is okay, but I’d really prefer if the main focus was some honorable endeavor. Am I just missing the prince movies, or are they all about princesses instead?

    1 year ago

    This is far from a stupid question. I have a girl and a boy and it’s surprisingly difficult to find movies/books/ shows with positive male role models. A lot of times they are presented as evil or incompetent as well. I try to find more balanced things for them to watch together.

    As far as Disney fare there are Lucca and Tangled. Lucca is meh but Tangled is really funny and the kids like it, and it arguably has two protagonists with one of them being male. Peter pan is fun but definitely not cool in different ways, especially to native Americans.

    There’s a lot more than Disney though. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen might be a bit scary depending on their age but they both love it. As others mentioned The Dragon Prince is pretty great. If you haven’t yet, you should try The Sound of Music, you’d be surprised how much they get into it.

    I’ll try to think of more examples but thanks for posting this, I think it’s an important conversation to have