…on what?
This matters.
I agree that it matters what it goes on, but the correct answer is mustard regardless.
If it is Dijon, otherwise mustard can go to hell.
I guess stone ground couldn’t 🕶️ cut the mustard
Splish splash your opinion is trash.
Nah, mayo is the correct Answer many places where mustard is incorrect.
Mustard is a good binding agent for ground beef, but nobody asks for a cheeseburger with just mustard. That’s psychopath shit.
And mixing ketchup and mayo is king on burgers. Add some pickle juice and that’s the base of every burger sauce.
A well done steak of course. And the answer is always ketchup.
Ever had a ketchup aged wagu? If you leave it in the su vide over night the plastic burns off when the waters boiled away, it’s a perfect way to start the day.
Fuck mayo, marry mustard, kill ketchup.
Mustard. Get that other shit out of here.
Never give up. Never surrender! MUSTARD!!!
Mix them.
Equal parts mayo and mustard, about half that of ketchup, and you got a delicious fry sauce.
Add a little minced onion in there with a little garlic powder and you’ve got a fire burger spread
Throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you’ve got a stew going.
This man did not fail his reading comprehension classes
What are we eating?
I’m with you. Ketchup on a sandwich is a no-go (to most people), but the other two belong. A hot dog could use ketchup and mustard, but not mayonnaise. And a burger could use all 3
A hotdog is a sandwich.
Mayonnaise can be a very interesting addition to many dishes, depending on how it’s made. There are very unnusual mayonnaise available.
Ketchup, I’ll add if I need some extra moisture or added flavour to an otherwise dry food. Mustard for the bitterness and pickle like fresh kick.
It really depends what is being had.
Some foods receiving any sauce is borderline a crime.
deleted by creator
Not Or. And.
Fries with a mustard mayo mix, or a mayo ketchup mix, or a ketchup mustard mix, or a mix of all 3, are all fantastic.
When I do burgers at home, I do a mustard mayo mix on the bottom bun (followed by lettuce and tomato slices), and a ketchup on the top bun.
All 3 three bring something to the table. It the variety and proportions that give you so much flexibility in creating amazing food.
Mustard. It’s more versatile. Besides the obvious condiment uses, it’s also a useful ingredient in cooking, can alleviate muscle cramps (eaten), helps with bee or wasp stings (topical), and can be used as a dye.
Man, just that word brings back memories of Hardees. Along with the usual red and yellow sauces, they had a third sauce…a white one. Me, thinking it was mayo, loaded up two of those little white paper cups and sat down with my burger and curly fries.
I should preface by mentioning that I love me some crispy curly fries with gobs of mayo…took one massive dip followed by an expectant bite and I’m like 90% positive that my face showed the entire range of reactions starting from “yo, wtf is in my mouth?”, moving along to “this is NOT mayo!”, detouring briefly to “what kind of sadist fucks with the mayo container”, reaching “what is this spicy orgy in my mouth?!”, and shortly after landing on a new all time favourite dipping sauce.
Love that horseradish.
Me too! I loved Hardee’s when I was a kid. There isn’t one near me now (Canada) so that sucks. Horseradish is such a great flavour. I grew some last year, time to grate and recreate!
cough Pardon me, but it’s pronounced “horshradish”. /s
Depends what it’s on, they’re completely non-interchangeable.
Mayo+ketchup (fry sauce) for fries. Ketchup+mustard for hot dogs. All three for burgers.
Grilled sausage in the forest: mustard.
On my pasta earlier this week: ketchup.
On my sandwich this morning: Mayo.
There is a time and place for everything.
Ketchup on pasta?!
It’s a Filipino thing
What about grilled sausage on a pier looking out to the horizon in a country that starts with a C? I just am super curious about that specific case, you know?
Sausage? In that scenario id go for a steak and fries, in which case a good pepersauce and mayo.
But for the sausage? Id go with ketchup
On what?