I noticed that almost all types of cooking oil (vegetable oil, olive oil, peanut oil, etc) contain some saturated fat. Since saturated fat is known to be a contributor to heart disease, then could you simply remove the saturated fats from the oil to make it healthier?

  • Death_Equity@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    If you want to live a perfectly healthy life, your food will be a paste or shake devoid of all enjoyment.

    Life is finite and food that is enjoyable will never lead to a healthy life. I’ll take the bacon over the misery of a life that ends in a bullet.

    • UltraHamster64@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      People who think like this, miss two important points in my opinion:

      1. If you have a dogshit diet it’s not going to be a “happy life full of tasty food” it’s going to be an absolytely miserable existence, filled to the brim with stomach problems, skin problems, awful sleep schedule, variety of diseases and feeling bad in general

      2. You don’t need a nutrient paste to eat healthy - you just need a balanced dier. That means that shouldn’t eat absolute garbage and not “overconsume” anything. Eat veggies, dairy, treat yourself to meat once in a while and you golden. The only actually hard thing it requires is some work - you need to actively seek recipes, spend some time at the store to find good products or even spend some time to find a good local shop that actually sells food and some processed garbage from supermarket, and eat mostly cooked at home stuff.

      But for me personally it is worth it. I would much rather eat some backed veggies with a glass of milk and tasty fruits for a dessert in the evening, than go to a dirty cramped place and eat shitty cardboard-like dog food that they serve at McDs

      • madcaesar@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        I will add to this that WORST case if you just eliminated fast food and Soda / fruit drinks you’d almost automatically be eating healthy.

        I don’t eat like a rabbit, but just not indulging in the bottom tier garbage keeps me heathy while still enjoying my food.

        I will agree with OP that there is a threshold where you try to eliminate every single bad thing where it just becomes exhausting and hinders enjoyment of life. But that’s way down the line.

        Start without McDonald’s and Coke and see where life takes you.