No, turnip will never face a consequence. Never.
I’m not religious but I am starting to wonder.
I have fleas.
No, turnip will never face a consequence. Never.
I’m not religious but I am starting to wonder.
oh, I get it. the target of my ire isn’t just elmo, it’s the fact that so many smoothbrains can’t see the naked truth.
The fact that this obvious liar and fraudster is the worlds richest human has just broken my brain. My god humans are stupid.
I honestly thought it was common knowledge that these things were essentially free labor for training AI.
no shit, I feel most people can function in just about any framework, so long as everyone knows what they are building. I’ve seen agile (and other frameworks to be fair) as the ‘solution’ to missing requirements too often. Sure we can get to work without them, but to what end?
I used to make the same arguments but I’m middle aged now, have been supporting the left, volunteering, knocking on doors, donating, etc. for over 20 years now; but in all that time, shit has only gotten worse. I’m saddened every day what I’m leaving my children and it makes me feel awful to know that they will be fighting all the same fights I have and even more. I’m definitely no turnip supporter but I no longer believe that there will be any functional difference regardless of who wins. The ship is going down no matter who is captaining.
I would hold my nose and vote once again but even the best possible outcome is still a shit sandwich I’m not willing to take another bite of. So, I’m out, and yes, I do know that’s what they want, I just don’t care anymore.
yeah, this one has broken me, there’s no way I can support anyone who’s currently running. I’ll probably write in myself which I know is a waste but I’ve come to the conclusion that it doesn’t matter anyway. we get to choose between genocide and the death of the nation, or take the comedy option on the guy who drove his wife to suicide while high on heroin to, I don’t know, give the brainworms something to do while dying of mercury poisoning…
Oh, I’m totally kidding, it would be soul crushing (crusher?) to hear her voice coming from these nightmares.
This is not the AI I was expected after growing up with Star Trek. I’m trying to picture just what horrors the replicators would come up with if hooked to this abomination.
Then the other clowns go and steal scarjo’s voice instead of Majel Barrett. What a future we’re building here…
Just like their name, it’s just a slogan. They wrap themselves in flags and bibles and folks fall for it every time.
Not exactly reliable and less than easy rma process.
Sorry, had typed this and forgotten to hit submit :(
At the time it was fine. I had an array of 4tb drives that I was backing up with a series of 5gb drives. They were just so unreliable; all but one failed while the array they backed up is still spinning strong.
Bingo. Sorry, had typed a reply about my failure rate and difficulties getting an RMA but forgot to submit.
Bought some of the old versions for backup drives. That was a mistake.
does the job I suppose. I don’t use desktop enough to have any useful thoughts about it. I like that it’s a decent gui over what I’m used to.
bingo, I enjoy the stabilty and simplicity for my servers but I wouldn’t run vanilla debian for a desktop. ironically I tend to use Linux Mint for desktop which I guess is a grandchild then, since it’s based on Ubuntu :). oops, I use LMDE, not Mint… forgot that I switched a while back since it’s directly debian based.
absolutely nothing, it’s my preferred distro (and I have the grey beard to match). what I mean is that despite not using Ubuntu (or honestly even liking it that much), I give it a pass since it’s the offspring of my preffered flavor.
It’s Debian based so gets a pass, so long as it’s headless.
the very same day…