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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • The hippocratic oath, in this case. Medicine is all about risk management, the worse the “disease,” the more tolerant we are of side effects for the cure. Pregnancy and birth are still pretty traumatic events that, while much safer than they used to be, are still dangerous. Female BC just has to be less risky than that. Male BC on the other hand, has to be as low the risk for a man impregnating a woman, which is to say, almost zero. Pretty much any negative side effect is worse than that, so it’s very difficult to pass. I would gladly take one with comparable side effects to female BC, but sometimes unflinching ethics are inconvenient. Better than the alternative, but still.

  • I agree, but it isn’t so clear cut. Where is the cutoff on complexity required? As it stands, both our brains and most complex AI are pretty much black boxes. It’s impossible to say this system we know vanishingly little about is/isn’t dundamentally the same as this system we know vanishingly little about, just on a differentscale. The first AGI will likely still have most people saying the same things about it, “it isn’t complex enough to approach a human brain.” But it doesn’t need to equal a brain to still be intelligent.

  • That doesn’t really work either. Human brains are not great at computing unless you are looking for “good enough,” results, and only on some pretty narrow fields, facial/speech recognition, some physics interactions, etc. But worse than that… we’re kind of using them. If they wanted us to compute, the whole function of the Matrix is just taking up run cycles. And you can’t just coopt them during sleep, we need the rest periods ,or we literally die. Only one answer makes sense to me, it’s a nature preserve. They didn’t want to be responsible for destroying their creators, and the only other sapient species known to exist. So they build the Matrix to keep us docile. Then, the energy reclamation actually makes some sense. They’re never going to be net positive, but assuming they are having difficulty keeping their society powered, they would be incentivesed to reclaim every watt of power they could from us to reduce our burden on their grid.

  • I think so long as you maintain consciousness that issue is fairly null in this particular circumstance. There’s lots of tolerance for changes in thought while maintaining the same self, see many brain damage victims. So long as there is minimal change in personality, there are lots of other circumstances that have a stronger case for killing one person and having a new person replace them due to change of consciousness, imo, I don’t think most people would consider a brain damaged person killed and replaced by a new consciousness, or a drug addiction with radically altered brain chemistry, etc.

  • Here’s the problem, you have to bend space the opposite direction it does from mass to make it work. For that, you need antigeavity. And the only way to make antigravity, is with negative energy. Which is a real thing that actually exists. Basically, the universe runs on averages. So long as a system averages to a number that works, discrete parts of it can have values that don’t make sense, so long as the rest of the system makes enough sense for the average of it to be sensible. So in a system that hovers around 0K, for example, it’s possible to have tiny fluctuations that occasionally dip to negative temperatures. The math gets weird, but generally it doesn’t matter, because those regions are too tiny and random to make any use of it.

    But, theoretically, it is possible to harness negative energy. It’s been a while since I looked into it, but IIRC, the best theory is to basically concentrate an enormous, mind boggling, ludicrous amount of energy, and then at the very edges of that system you should be able to bleed off tiny bits of negative energy fairly reliably. But we’re talking civilizations that move stars tech here. I think the idea was for a giant ring, that would encompass our solar system, kuiper belt and all, and get it to spin. The amount if energy required to spin something that large is mind boggling, and that’s your high energy system, then along the surface you can bleed off negative energy. But even that would be an insanely tiny trickle of negative energy. Unless some new method of bending spacetime is discovered, Alcubierre is just unfeasible. However, this could be more practical for wormholes. But even still, likely looking at a microscopic event horizon for the giant ring, it would be for communication only. But at least you can still technically scale up large scale systems like this to theoretically make something large enough for a person to enter.