When faced with a series of unfortunate events, I make a series of poor choices.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • My question is: why not try it? I mean, I know of people who don’t like to travel outside their town because why bother? But the world is a big interesting place with all sorts of new experiences. Why wouldn’t you want to try new and different foods? Would you try a new fruit you hadn’t had access to before?

    re: energy/etc: this is an issue everywhere, and it’s all slowly changing. Farming is still done with big gas guzzling, smoke bellowing machines, for example. (I’ve seen Secret of NIMH).

  • Thailand has been so weird the last couple of years.

    Super-pro tourism and foreign investment (ie. Russians pouring in in tens of thousands).

    Legalising weed (more dispensaries than 7-11s or Starbucks combined).

    Now reversing that?

    Now legalising same sex marriage.

    it’s like they’re opening up in an ultra-capitalist way. “What is the most left way to make money?”

    This is a very cynical POV, and is not accurate. But it looks that way. It’s only an issue as these movements make the country vulnerable to economic exploitation.

    To clarify what this has in common: there’s a LOT of money to be made in weddings, and they’ve just made the country even more of a wedding tourism destination. (on top of domestic wedding spending)

    All that said, for this topic specifically: good for them. this is fantastic news.