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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023

  • So maybe you just jumped to spew your cumload into the conversation, but the original person to whom I replied indicated that it was specifically their friends they were socializing with. And sorry if this sounds too grandpa to you, but tweeting is not a friendship. I see how many young kids these days have “friendships” online but in the real world they couldn’t give a shit about one-another. That’s not friendship.

    So, what I was saying to that person is that for your actual real life friends is not a reason to stay on Twitter. Go get together in person and interact the way humans have for the past half million years.

    Oh but excuse me for being a grandpa because obviously the toxic and impersonal method of socializing you kids do today is just so much cooler than the way it’s been done for half million years. Clearly, Homo Sapiens was just lame. It’s so lucky that the little brats of today have come along and we’ve finally been given the gift of wisdom of pimpled tweens to know how to relate to one-another: facelessly, voiceless, distanced and atonal on a screen.

  • I don’t know if you’ve been not paying attention but even if he’s not elected, he will never see the inside of a jail cell. Trump is untouchable. I’m not sure why, most people speculate he has dirt on some very powerful people - really serious dirt on many really powerful people. That’s only speculation, but if you recall during his first campaign he bragged about how much he was loved and worshiped he said he could walk out of Trump tower onto Fifth Avenue, and shoot someone dead in broad daylight and he would never face any consequences whatsoever. And he was right.