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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 18th, 2023


  • Boy, Lemmy sucks donkey dick. For every one legitimate answer there are two or three edgelord answers like “capitalism” and “the internet”.

    Here’s an answer that hasn’t come up yet: cooperation among mono cellular organisms. I don’t mean the development of polyp analogues or colonies of single celled organisms; I mean getting down to mitochondria. Brace for wild oversimplification.

    Before mitochondria, life had a hard time creating enough energy to do much more than barely stay alive. The current line of thinking is that one organism ate another and didn’t digest it. The two organisms worked symbiotically, one handled energy production and the other handled getting food and staying alive.

    Just about every living thing utilizes mitochondria and if the current idea that mitochondria were actually symbiotic organisms is true, that means that what was likely a chance “sparing” of prey is the underpinning of all complex life.

    The odds of that happening are ridiculously low. There could be simple life in tons of places even within our own star system, but if the mitochondria-like symbiotic capture never happens for those extraterrestrial organisms, then complex life is probably unlikely to develop.

  • Parent here. It’s always the parents. The biggest problems with young people are typically caused by lack of parental involvement and are next to impossible for schools or society at large to solve.

    The catch is that any public figure or institution saying that out loud is more or less committing suicide. Just like I’m about to be roasted alive on here for saying it.

    Shitty, inattentive parents do not want to hear that they need to do better. Parents who didn’t plan ahead and just shove their kid in daycare don’t want to hear that they should have moved to a cheaper metropolitan area so they could work less and spend more time raising their kids. Parents who went off half cocked and had kids in unstable relationships don’t want to hear that they shouldn’t have done that knowing they wouldn’t be able to stay together in the long term.

    Nobody is allowed to say that out loud, you have to read between the lines.