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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Earth also has an interesting curiosity. Our moon is extremely large, compared to earth. It also acts as a gyroscopic stabiliser. This keeps the earth from wobbling on its axis. Such a wobble would be devastating for a civilisation making the jump to technological. Even on earth, we are in a period of abnormal stability.

    There seem to be so many coincidences that make our solar system unique that it’s really upsetting lol It’s like we are so perfect for stability because of things like Jupiter keeping the inner system “clean” of large impactors, our part of the galaxy being more “quiet” than typical as far as supernovae, stuff like that which makes it seem even less likely for life to exist anywhere else. :(

  • I don’t really have a title, but I work in a factory.

    Go to college kids. Fuck the expense, you still get many more opportunities that a factory scumbag like myself does not. If you don’t know what you want or what you’re capable of, who cares. Go anyway for anything and you’ll meet people who you can network with and you’ll be exposed to classes and topics you might not ever have considered. I’m the only scumbag failure in my friend group who didn’t go to college and I’m the only loser working in a literal sweat shop while they all work from home with very nice salaries and wives/husbands they met at college. I’m still single.

    Go to college.

  • 5 years ago was the beginning/middle of the descent. It’s so much worse now. … plenty of fish is a streaming platform now. 🤮 🔫

    I’m so unbelievably undesirable I’ve been on the apps long enough to watch the whole thing play out. Over the course of 10 years these apps have been absolutely tripping over themselves to become a shitty tinder 2.0 clone. All the offices now have “Always Enshittify” plastered on their walls as their daily affirmations since they were almost all bought by Match Group.

    Okcupid wants $50 a month

  • I don’t exactly subscribe to the conspiracy but I can understand it as it’s related to “planned obsolescence.” Companies don’t want to sell you a quality product that will last “forever” they want to sell you something that’s just good enough to work for a bit, but will absolutely break or be replaced very soon so you become a repeat customer as opposed to a one time customer.

    The same logic applies here with the medication, why would they sell something once even if there were new future customers, if they could instead have everyone on a “subscription” of sorts?

    The conspiracy exists because we see it play out in every other facet of our society/economy. Everything is becoming a subscription, you don’t own anything, every product a corporation makes is almost complete garbage, etc… I’m not sure I believe it 100% but I wouldn’t in the slightest bit be surprised to find out that actually was the case.