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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024

  • I think this is a big part of it. I don’t think any of the apps I use have pfp visible by default (tho the community icon shows) and I don’t really care enough to see if I can turn it on. I know I have one, because I used stable diffusion to make it, but I don’t recall what it looks like because it doesn’t show up on my profile page, and my profile information is intentionally suppressed in the main interface (it would show there if I wanted). I never click into other profiles (other than by accident), so I don’t see them there either.

    I legit hardly ever recognize anyone because I don’t pay much attention to names unless it’s something weird I want more context for, or a back and forth conversation. I think Reddit trained me to gloss over that.

  • If you think your insurance company isn’t selling your data to other companies, you are in for a surprise.

    My insurance company, for example, requires so many permissions for their app, just to show my insurance coverage. I refuse to use it because they don’t need my contacts, calendar, use details, phone information, location, network status, and whatever else they are asking for. They have no use for this information, so why would they collect it? Oh right, because they are greedy and consider customers to be multiple revenue streams.

    Part of the privacy policy for using the app is agreeing to be a product for them. Hard pass. I give them more than enough money considering they have never paid out a single fucking penny for anything (tho we’ll see how I feel tomorrow when the adjuster comes out to inspect the storm damage to my roof - probably the same.)

    If a scammy company like insurance is doing a thing, you can bet they are not being benevolent. They are taking whatever you give them and it will fuck you eventually.

  • That’s a legitimate complaint, but if you bought it within the last 5 years or whatever, it’s possible they saw error and changed, assuming that’s the same part they used.

    Or maybe, and I find this much more likely, the one you got on Amazon was disguised trash like everything else from Amazon and it’s not actually the OEM parts causing the issue since it’s always the same shitty part that fails. You got unlucky with the oem part, then bought trash on Amazon (basically everything on Amazon is knockoff, nothing is quality) and have been replacing it since.

    If you bought the replacement pump from an OEM part supplier or other official supplier for replacements, and continued to have the issue, sure, but at this point you are giving an extended Amazon review as a review of the machine itself. And that’s not remotely fair to the unit, because Amazon is trash and won’t even let you post negative reviews anymore (try it, good luck).

  • Ha, I’m so sorry.

    My sister was into classic rock, same as my parents, so it was easy to live with in that regard. Nobody knows what to do when you don’t care about music, though, so I tried to fit in and was actually the black sheep for it cuz if I heard it and didn’t actively dislike it, it was stuck there in my brain forever and people thought I liked it? (I have no ear for music, but I’m a natural born mimic/linguist, so it’s all very sticky to me even if I don’t speak the same language - Utada Hikaru, I’m mostly lookin at you girl! But also Ricky Martin, dmetri Malikov, ramstein, etc.)

    Spice girls, incubus, Backstreet Boys, Manson, train, linkin park, and stone temple pilots, among tons more? Why not.

    My music tastes are still super questionable for any given person because I have no music taste… it’s all just noise to me and I don’t have the ability to tune it out, so I know a lot of stuff, to an apparently impressive degree? People frequently say “I’ve never heard this” as I belt it out.

  • What do you define as “constantly”? Once a year, every two years, twice in 20 years?

    Anecdotal, but I’ve had my lg washer, dryer, dishwasher, fridge, and gas stove for about 10 years and none of them have had any issues at all. I didn’t get them because I was super into LG, they were cheap - open box, dented, or floor model - and it just worked out that way, but still, zero issues with any of it.

    Maybe it’s just that model tho, and that’s legit. Sometimes there’s just a shit offering, but the rest of the line is decent.

    But a lot of times, parts fit multiple brand’s machines, or multiple models within the same brand. Especially something like a drain pump, which is super basic and could be used in dishwashers as well as literally all of their brand washers, for example. Solid chance the reason for the large number of reviews is compatibility with other models rather than lg sucking that hard for that model. But without knowing the exact part I can’t say.

  • I got a “sales” job once and during training this is basically what they preached. Find the pain point and lay into it until they relent and sign up for the thing that will fix the pain.

    Made me super uncomfortable and I quit 2 days into training, because a lot of what the place did was accessibility accommodations, so it was basically harassing old and disabled people going about their day, and making them feel bad about their shitty situation to take their money. No thanks.

  • I grow stuff (mostly peppers and tomatoes for a while now, but I’m adding squash to hand pollinate and strawberries this year) in deep water culture hydro, which involves a 5 gallon bucket of nutrient water and an air pump creating bubbles. Super basic setup geared toward “permanent” plants that keep producing indefinitely, or big plants like weed. Works well since complex and long-term don’t mix well for me. Way way back in the day on the forum I used to frequent, dwc setups were called bubble buckets.

    And I like monkeys, I relate to them.

    However doing a quick internet search shows that apparently there’s an anonymous recreational drug information page under the same name (among numerous other things) so that’s a bit awkward… I’ve got nothing against drugs, but nothing to do with that site either.

  • I made a similar comment to this several days ago.

    It takes 46 hours to go from Chicago to Seattle by train, and only 30 by car, for a difference of a whopping 16 hours. Even stopping to sleep for the night, you can get there faster driving. If you don’t get a sleeper, it’s decently cheap at like $120. But still, double the time isn’t appealing to most anyone, especially when actually comfortable accommodations for 2 days are wildly more expensive.

    I’d love to travel by train, but it’s just too slow to be practical, even if you really don’t have much going on (if you have pets, for example, that extra week for travel can really get cumbersome). If it was equivalent time to driving (or faster would be great) I think you’d see a lot more people adopting it. Even if it doesn’t replace all the air travel, to just have it cut down cross-country driving would be great. Unfortunately that means a huge investment in rail infrastructure, and a lot of time, to bring the network up to speed.