One of them Carpenter nerd types.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I mean… we grow teeth a total of 3 times. The first for our baby teeth, the second time for our ‘mature’ teeth, and the make up ‘wisdom’ teeth to fill any that might’ve fallen out at that point. I’m guessing those three growths were the most needed for humans early survival before we got all fancy with farming and hygiene. At which point we kind of broke survival of the fittest and things just kind of happen now.

    Kind of like how humans are one of a handful of mammals that didn’t evolve out of menstruation.

  • Tangential story time. I play a lot of video games, mmo’s being the norm. A few years ago one came out that I was hooked on not just as a game but also a social platform. I met many people on there and knew them better than I know some of my friends.

    One of them set a goal for herself. She wanted a billion in game currency, and it was possible. She spent several months and enough real world money to end up in some fairly deep debt, but I only heard that from others who were closer.

    Being outside of her unguarded group, she randomly asked me what I would do of I had a billion currency in the game. I thought about it for a few minutes and responded “I’d probably quit the game”. Confused, she asked me why.

    It’s a pretty simple concept, if I had accumulated that level of wealth in game, that meant one of two things had occured: either I had nothing left to spend the currency on, or the inflation had gotten so bad that only the wealthiest players could participate.

    That mindset doesn’t work with the rich. They can do and get whatever they want with their wealth, but they’re more focused on getting a big number more than actually just enjoying it freely and openly.

    Eating the rich is decimating the concept of a high score financially. Fostering altruism and attempting to make the world a better place for all. The absolute wealth some people in this world have could do so much good if it weren’t being hoarded.

    Taxing the rich is a hard fight with so many loopholes and outs that it will take forever. Changing the mindset is basically impossible as well, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try every available means.

    1. Consider what it is and why it made you angry

    2. Think about ways to avoid that issue/reason again

    2.5. If that reason is a person, figure out if there’s anything you can reasonably do to change the situation which caused the anger

    1. If you can make changes, make them. If not, don’t fret over it and continue your day with the full understanding that you’ve done all you can and it isn’t worth any more of your time.

    I my life, anger has always been a very short lived emotion. I cannot fathom being actively angry for more than 30 seconds at a time. Even if I hit the full 30 I figure it’s probably time to break from whatever I’m doing and hydrate/eat.

  • Is it just acclimation to a new concept that is similar in some ways to putting gems/runes in your gear from Diablo?

    I remember taking a moment to understand that the skills are all from gems, but afterwards It’s pretty nice to be able to swap out skills as you play, trying new stuff to see if you like it before you really go all in on something. This most recent league(season) I found a skill I didn’t know about before and it has worked wonderfully with everything else I’m working with. Once you’re a bit over halfway through the campaign the game drops an npc that has nearly all the gems for sale, so you can really spend a lot of time trying out stuff to see what you like.

    As for the controller version of the game, I like some things (I found it way easier to use potions), but others were a bit more frustrating, especially the inventory management and item collection… Which is a rather large part of the game.

  • I’ve really enjoyed the depth and customization available in path of exile. It’s so strange to me that in diablo that equipment is either a good roll or completely useless and there’s no fixing it. In path of exile, I just need to find a decent base normal item (white rarity) and I can work it into something worthwhile.

    If that’s not your cup of tea for whatever reason, I’ve heard good things about the last epoch, though I haven’t played myself.

    As for path of exile… A lot of people assume you need as a beginner to follow some kind of guide or a step by step thing. I’ve found that as long as you don’t neglect defense in that massive skill tree, you’ll do just fine while doing your own thing. Doing that and keeping your various resistances up are the keys to success.

  • That was my most recent regret of a buy.

    For those of you who are enjoying Diablo 4, good on you. I sadly could not. There are too many things that I’ve been shown a better way on thanks to other arpgs that is rather spend time on than one which seems intent to have me spend significantly more time on for less. It felt awful to pick up entire inventories of loot and have absolutely none of it be worth while for my character. Literally hours of running from thing to thing to not hit a single upgrade.

  • Why make them illegal? I used a vape to limit my nicotine intake and weaned myself off of smoking (and vaping) completely. It still sucked for the first 6 months and the occasional random craving that comes from being a smoker for over a decade, but at least I fought each part of the smoking addictions separately which made it bearable.

    For clarity, I got 0% nicotine vape juice for a month or so before I quit puffing completely so let the withdrawal from the substance run its course, and then had to deal with the psychological side of things. Which was VERY annoying. Everytime I’d do anything where I’d normally smoke triggered a craving.