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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • Man, I decided to do just that, and it was almost exactly what I thought (minus the technical words): if a velociraptor can do a metric fuckle of damage with their two hook-toes, a T-Rex with 2 of those on each hand can fuck something up, presuming it’s close enough (which, as the T-Rex head/bite-force, and distance from the jaw suggests), would have been pretty frequently.

    Even if each claw only did a little damage, that’s still a lot of blood loss throughout the conflict, and the T-Rex would be more likely to win.

  • To give two sides of answers to your question: I played the early MK games on the Sega Genesis, and I would say start where you want.

    As others have said, the new canon for the series starts with the 2011 game. But honestly, the 2011 game is very similar to the OG games. If you only played the OG, then the new games will only be a better version of what you played up until that point.

    If you only played the new ones, it gives prominent backstory to various characters, and the gameplay is almost identical. It’s a great starting point for newcomers.

    Biggest difference is that the new games try to make everything one seamless story, the idea being comic book multiverse things, where in one universe, Ryu isn’t the God of Lightning, but a simple student at the temple. Stuff like that.

    TL;DR: There’s no bad place to start in the Mortal Kombat games.

  • His greatest political opponent just “went missing” (from the prison he was being held in) and “nobody knows where he is now.” Russians have been watching their population get ground into meat by what he originally called “a military exercise” that’s been going on over six times the time estimate that he set, and he’s actively making it so nobody can leave Russia without smuggling themselves out.

    He wouldn’t still hold office if he was playing fairly, so yes, he is that weak domestically. Get fucked, Vladolf Putler.

  • I agree, but only with the amendment that links to reddit only be text posts and comment chains, or otherwise reddit-exclusive things such as /r/place.

    Images and links should bypass reddit altogether and just link to the first source link (ie, the news article or w/e), or be posted as a lemmy image post with a credit citation in the description.

    Nobody wants to have to click through 3 different pages to learn who’s winning what war or to see a picture of a cat.