Capital letters are the biggest scams of all. Especially the letter “E”. Who do you think secretly paid off Sesame Street? Goddamn Muppets distracting us from the truth.
I steal crumbs.
Also I maintain a secret cache of documents underneath the Alaskan tundra with the help of a diesel generator, some very large goggles and a years supply of smoked frozen herring.
Capital letters are the biggest scams of all. Especially the letter “E”. Who do you think secretly paid off Sesame Street? Goddamn Muppets distracting us from the truth.
Crumb free bread is the biggest scam of all.
Roller derby is a scam. I have connected the dots to the WWE. The connection is the goddamn leotards. Prove me wrong.
Car Insurance is a total scam. We should be able to make every traffic trip a potential crash derby.
He got into a fight with one of the other kids working at Waffle House but he also got valuable lessons into work life balance.
On the minus side we are cannon fodder but on the plus side the blue alien girls are hot.
There are many ways to hedge, and for many different reasons. Lets say I want to invest in Home Depot because I think a lot of people are going to start building new houses and renovating their old ones. That means that lumber, construction companies, and other house things like appliances and nifty faucets should have a greater demand.
But what if I am wrong?
I don’t want to bet the farm, yolo and lose my investment. I haven’t done any analysis of Home Depot vs Lowes, but lets say from your analysis you have determined that Home Depot performs better in the market and overall is a much better and more profitable company than Lowes. You can buy 100 shares of Home Depot and simultaneously sell 100 shares of Lowes. If you are right and the real estate market goes up, you make money, but less than you would if you did not hedge. If you are totally wrong and the whole real estate market tanks, you lose money on your Home depot trade but because both stocks are tanking, you are making more money on your Lowes trade than you are losing on your Home Depot trade. So you are dead wrong on your gamble but you still make money.
Another way to hedge this trade would be to buy 100 shares of Home Depot and then buy an option to sell 100 shares of Home depot at the same price. This is like buying insurance, but prevents you losing more than the cost of buying the option. If you are right and home depot goes higher, the cost of the option cuts into your profits, but you are in a still profitable trade with less downside risk. If you are wrong you lose only the cost of the option.
There are a lot more techniques than this, all of them have risks and you can be wrong on all of them. Hedging can also take advantage of protecting against things that people dont think about very often, like your currency getting stronger or weaker against another currency, or interest rates or oil supply changing, or the sudden flooding of the market with Ten Forward Star Trek memes.
Try the history section of your library for audiobooks and printed books. I read one about Tea which was fascinating about how the East India company stole Tea plants from China and tried to grow them in India, but they came out black, which gave us English Black Tea.
I think harvesting timer for witchy herbs would be a harmonious use.
The scientific reason is that the 350 watt drum connected to the dryer motor vibrates at 55 hertz which stimulates the female solar plexus. This creates a chain reaction and urges males to assert dominance and proceed with a mating ritual. When you combine this with the enticingly large sums of cash at a typical laundromat, you can see this is a devastating combination. The scantily clad hot body people is a side effect, not the cause.
Check your local library for many WW2 historical accounts of the french resistance. Madam Fourcades secret war, Virginia Hill are a couple of my favorites.
Also memoirs from FBI and CIA agents, and anything on SOE, Churchills “Special Operations Executive” division which had as its objective to defeat the Germans covertly in Nazi occupied France, which he started because he wanted more results than the old school tie boys in traditional British intelligence.
For that matter accounts of the beginnings of the American CIA in WW2 are interesting too.
On all these, enough time has passed that there aren’t national security concerns any more, technology changes but the principles are always the same. Interesting reading and you can learn a lot, especially how networks are penetrated and how spies were caught.
Sorry you got jumped on as a new user a bit.
The karma system on reddit encourages posting and reposting stuff that everyone has seen before to get fake internet points, and maybe what you win is a “more powerful account” for the algorithm instead of everyone getting a more or less equal voice.
You can still get people to follow you and build a tribe if you want without that, and you are also free to start any community you like, so a few mods don’t end up controlling all the online real estate and steer the conversation unfairly.
Plus its simpler. Sometimes simple is good.
1846 historical account by Francis Parkman called “The Oregon Trail”, narrated by Frank Muller. Francis was around 24 at the time and as a white male, certainly was influenced by the prevailing views of his time, but lived, feasted and hunted with Native Americans and directly observed their culture. He captures an era of American History in a unique way.
Plus, it isn’t so good that you can’t fall asleep. +8, would definitely do again.
Murderbot is awesome!, pardon me for awhile while I calm down to an episode of Sanctuary Moon.
The cardboard paper towel megaphone should be anyones first choice for both announcements and updates.
Purely anecdotal but I was in Costa Rica in September of 2020. I was struck by the difference and better preparedness compared to the US.
Every store and place of business had not only signs and hand sanitizer at the entrance, nobody was in stores without masks, and I drove by a line of people over half a mile long and 3-4 people deep, of people waiting in line for hours to get vaccinated.
The taxi driver told me there was some program to provide vaccines to CR and what he did was stay in line and hold the place for his family for awhile and then they would wait in line allowing him to work for awhile. Overall they took public safety measures much more seriously than the US, but I was in a wealthier urban area, don’t know how it was in the rural areas.
Lord Sauron is a simple working class person just like you and me. He received the diamond mines from his father only after he had proven himself. He knows what is best for all of us.
Be Bold. Sort by new and brave the shitstorm. That’s the only way to do Lemmy.
Good name for a band.
Alien Wuornos