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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 31st, 2023


  • A friend in high school made nude drawings of another mutual friend. It was weird he showed me but he was generally an artsy guy and I knew he was REALLY into this girl and it was kind of in the context of showing he his art work. I reconnected with the girl years later and talked about this and while she said it was weird she didn’t really think much of it. Rather, the creepy part to her was that he showed people.

    I don’t think we can stop horny teens from making horny content about their classmates, heck, I know multiple girls who wrote erotic stories featuring classmates. The sharing (and realism) is what turns the creepy but kind of understandable teenage behavior into something we need to deal with

  • I luckily don’t have any major incidents but a couple stick out in my memory.

    First time I realized an encounter was racist was my first time at a summer camp in the US around age 12.

    I went with a friend to line up for the showers in the morning and it was just us two and another kid. I barely noticed he was there cause I was caught up in conversation. Not long later some other kids walk in and the waiting kid just blurts out in relief “Thank god, I was the only white guy here!” And even in my innocent, privileged little 12 year old brain I knew that was kind of fucked up.

    Also had a South African girl break up with me as a teen cause her parents literally cited my nationality as an issue… While they were living in my country…

  • Finding closure of some kind I think. Keeping in mind why you broke up, why it didn’t work out, why there wasn’t a future in the relationship, etc.

    The relationship before my current partner of over ten years was really intense, I thought she was really the one, she was what I had imagined my ideal type was for practically my whole adolescence. But a spot of long distance and her parents disapproval had us in a bit of on again off again, where during one drunk call to me, she admitted to kissing other guys (at the very least), and that was enough for me to just go, “oh, I think our expectations are too different”, and I was able to put a hard end to that. Yeah, I occasionally think of her, but more in the curious way you wonder about an old acquaintance.

    I had a friend with a sort of similar situation to yours, he and his girlfriend mutually broke up when we were all graduating high school because her friends convinced her that long distance wouldn’t work out. It really messed both of them up, especially since they kind of stayed in contact. A lot of weird stories there, but not really mine to tell. But he talked a few times about all the “what-ifs” and it feels like that’s the hardest part in letting go of a relationship.

    On the other hand, if you can convince yourself that the answer to “what if?” is basically “nothing good”, I think that can help. Though, easier said than done, it’s kinda like brainwashing yourself by focusing on all the negatives about them. Easy for me because of the cheating, but not so easy for my friend.

  • I’m gonna chime in with some of the others and say Onyx is actually really good. I got my Nova 3 (black and white, not color) to replace an old Kindle and I’ve been loving it. The fact that I can write notes on it has been a game changer for me and has completely replaced pen and paper notes. On top of that, the fact that it’s Android means I can install other apps and that just opened all kinds of windows for experimenting with the device that I didn’t expect, it really is just basically a tablet with a much more readable screen. And second best thing to notes I’ve found about my Nova is how nice reading manga is on it, I’m even paying for a subscription to Shonen Jump now plus using Tachiyomi for fan-scans.

    Only damage the thing has taken in the time I’ve had it is a couple corners coming off the case, which I just glued back on. Device itself feels good as ever.