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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Adding onto this that Walmart and similarly large companies use what is effectively a planned economy (that rivals or exceeds the size of some actual nations). There is no need for the executives to be making these last minute decisions on stock placement or layoffs or any of the shit they supposedly do. If Walmart transitioned to be employee owned (not through stocks, but actually employee owned), it could maintain the same centralized planned economy nature (since it’s almost entirely run through computers). It could benefit the workers directly, lift the economies of of the communities it existed within, and be an actual force for good in the world. All whole the actual products it sold would be much cheaper because they wouldn’t be supported an ultrarich parasitical class.

    But instead it benefits like 100 people, and the planet gets to burn in response. Yeah, no, it’s not that we don’t understand. It’s that we do. These companies aren’t just bad for their workers, they’re bad for literally everybody.

  • Thankfully! One of the ex marines thought it wasn’t important to bring a firestarter log (creosol log), “I ain’t no pussy.” Left it at the truck, without telling anyone. When we got there, it had snowed for so long, thick, wet snow, that we couldn’t get a fire started. He was an idiot. Same marine, once we finally got the fire started on day 3 was on night watch. While we all slept he pulled a tarp over top of where the fire was to “trap the heat.” Somehow, known only to God, it didn’t catch fire when he FELL ASLEEP ON GUARD, but it did trap the smoke enough that we all woke up coughing. Thankfully we didn’t all die of inhalation. The snow prevented us from making it to lost cove, and we ended up going home without seeing it. Horrible, cursed trip. Lol.

  • Edit: my network is being just, like, absolute crap. I don’t know why it posted multiple times. Such is the life of rural America, living with a 4g hotspot for home internet. Lol. Apologies!

    I’m a sort of hodge podge of different traditions, philosophies and religions, and this is absolutely my view. In Hinduism, one of the reasons humans are at the “top” of the reincarnation cycle is because we have the intellect to understand things like karma, and are able to achieve liberation through that understanding. In my view, while we may be the only ones able to achieve liberation, we are also the only ones building up negative karma. It’s a double edged sword. Animals, plants, bacteria, they don’t do wrong things, they don’t engage in wrong thinking. They act on impulse, on intuition, on instinct, and as such, they’re pure spirited. Humans on the other hand are capable of evil, and as such we are the only species on earth that must struggle towards divinity. We just also happen to be the only species that can understand the nature of divinity. You don’t think the universe be like it is but it do, y’know?

  • That’s not how radiation exposure works. The types of mutations in DNA it causes is generally things like cancer, not birth defects that transfer into future generations. In order for the number of fingers human-wide to change, there would need to be a specific mutation for that, and that mutation would have to be beneficial enough that the 11+ or 9- fingered folks would be more likely to breed than us 10 fingered folks.

    On top of that, while base 10 is convenient because of our fingers, it’s unlikely to change due to how ingrained it is in our culture at this point. It’s also hardly the only system we’ve used. The Babylonians used a base 60. Many cultures have used base 12. Base 12 is actually very convenient for our fingers already.

    Hold your left thumb against the first segment of your left pinky and count 1, move up one segment, count two. Count each of the segments on your left fingers. You’re now at 12. Move your right thumb to the first segment on your right pinky, and then start over on your left. Each time you count 12 on the left, move your right thumb up one. You can now count to 144 on your fingers.

  • Probably not the type of answer you’re looking for, but I’ve got a few that happened outdoors.

    The first was when me, my brother, and some friends hiked up some train tracks to go to a ghost town at the top of a mountain near where we’d recently moved. About a 6 hour hike in. My brother was ahead of us, around 100 feet/30 meters ahead. He suddenly turns around, yells “TRAIN!” and the next thing we know, there’s a fuggin train coming around the bend. There’s only around 6-7 feet/2 meters of space between a rock wall and the tracks. We jump off the tracks and push up against the wall. With our packs on our backs (we were going to be camping for a week, so they were large packs), it felt like I could have stuck out my tongue and touched the train. The scariest part was that none of us saw if my brother had been hit. It happened too fast. The train took forever to pass, it felt like an eternity. I just knew my brother was dead, I was terrified. When the train finally passed, we rushed to where he’d been, and found that when he jumped off the tracks, he wasn’t against the wall, he was in a sort of spring/small pond, 10 feet/3 meters lower than the tracks, soaking wet. Terrified we’d been hit. First words out of his mouth were “cigarette. Now!” He was unharmed.

    Next scariest thing was when me and some friends went driving in a national forest near us, and her car broke down. We walked up what we thought was the road, but turned out to be a trail. Someone started shooting at us. We ran like crazy and made it back to the car. Tbh, I don’t remember how we got her car home…