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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Yeah, that’s absolutely fair, and it’s a bit snobby of me to get all up in arms about forgetting a formula - although it is high school level where I live. But to be handed the formula, informed that there’s an issue and still not fix it is the really hard part to wrap my head around, given it’s such a basic formula.

    I guess I’m also remembering someone I knew who got a programming job off the back of someone else’s portfolio, who absolutely couldn’t program to save their life and revealed that to me in a glaring way when I was trying to help them out. It just makes me think of that study that was done that suggested that there might be a “programmer brain” that you either have or you don’t. They ended up costing that company a lot to my knowledge.

  • Wait wait wait so… this person forgot the pythagorean theorem?

    Like that is the most basic task. It’s d = sqrt((x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2), right?

    That was off the top of my head, this person didn’t understand that? Do I get a job now?

    I have seen a lot of programmers talk about how much time it saves them. It’s entirely possible it makes them very fast at making garbage code. One thing I’ve known for a long time is that understanding code is much harder than writing it, and so asking an LLM to generate your code sounds like it’s just creating harder work for you, unless you don’t care about getting it right.

  • The point of the state is to maintain one class’s domination over others, violence is just the means to achieving that. It’s not a good thing.

    And not all armed resistance takes the form of open warfare.

    Under a strong state one viable way of resisting the state is community defense. For instance the Black Panthers began open carrying to observe police doing traffic stops, because black men kept getting killed (edit: of course we know they still are).

    The state’s response was weapons bans. That ban targetted the Black Panthers and was selectively enforced against them. This is where California got its reputation for banning guns. It was the state maintaining its ability to oppress people along class and racial lines.

  • So sorry for assuming you were talking about the US when you talked about school shootings.

    I come from a country like that too, but if you think police brutality doesn’t happen in your country then again: political bubble.

    Go ahead, tell me what country you’re from and I’ll burst it for you.

    I used to say the same thing about my country, Australia, where they’ve recently been imprisoning whistleblowers who expose clear government abuse. EDIT: They’ve also been doing racist colonial violence since day 0 and they have never stopped.

    There is no such thing as a state that can be trusted with violence. They always use it to oppress.

  • Proof of stake is what it’s called, but then it’s even more of a ponzi scheme because you have to buy in. Like they’re literally recreating coconut island.

    Also nobody seems to actually be doing it, possibly for exactly that reason. It’s just a green-washing promise of an idea.

    Federation and crypto are two completely opposite philosophies of decentralisation.

    Crypto is based on zero-trust, which sounds cool and edgy if you’re 15, but in practice it turns out that the people drawn to a zero trust system are untrustworthy. It’s not surprising that it’s full of Nazis.

    Federation is designed around trust, which is the way our meatspace social networks actually work, and I think it’s the only reasonable way forward.

  • I can imagine a plugin system that gets submissions of hashes of specific frames - or just entire frames - when users play them, then checks those frames to detect which parts of the video are unique vs common, then automatically requests new frames to narrow down the timestamps and carve out the additions.

    Probably wouldn’t take more than a handful of views across the entire network to get a pretty solid ad removal system. Even better it wouldn’t even rely on user input, which itself is already pretty fast. I have never encountered even the newest video that wasn’t already in the sponsorblock system.

    Honestly this sounds like a fun project, I imagine it wouldn’t take the heroes that develop things like sponsorblock very long to figure it out. Plus they have spite on their side.

    Edit: actually, rather than rely on randomised frame checks to find the collisions, have the clients submit frames then send frames out and ask clients to see if those frames appear in their videos. Then you very quickly determine which frames are unique.