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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • TollBit, a startup aiming to broker paid licensing deals between publishers and AI companies.

    If we can’t scrape data freely, it instantly kills the open source scene. These regulation only benefit companies like OpenAi and Google, who will happily pay an exorbitant price to have exclusive rights on data they don’t already own and get a monopoly in return, as well as the companies who own this data like Reddit, Getty, Adobe, etc.

    Getting a dime was never in the cards for individuals except maybe the outliers like GRR who can throw their weight around.

    Almost all regulation being proposed only benefit big AI companies and are meant to kill any competition. They are flooding the media with bad sentiment articles to manipulate people so they can tell congress their constituents want this.

  • The cost to install stations would dramatically reduce if you had one stations that could supply 20 parking lots instead of one station for each two lots.

    It also shuts up all the complaints about batteries going dead and the cost of replacing them.

    I do agree ice vehicles are already very convenient and most people complaining are mostly just parroting oil propoganda, but making them even more convenient isn’t a bad thing.

    I don’t think many run their batteries to the ground but it’s nice to know someone can just bring you a spare if you do.

  • All models are very costly regardless of open source or closed source, but I’m not sure any current model reaches that high. The 100$ million seems to only applies to the cost of computing and not of buying the actual cards.

    The legislation is essentially asking that it can’t make nukes or do massive hacking attacking and only asking it of people that definitely have the money to make sure.

    It’s actually very level headed compared to what most are pushing for. I can’t even see it affect current gen AI, which are mostly harmless anyways.

  • I’m all for having companies pay for their electricity use and their impact on the grid but that has nothing to do with AI.

    Llama took 2 600 mWh to train over 6 months and can run on much less than what’s needed for gaming. ActivisionBlizzard used 86 000 mWh of energy in 2022 for both the datacenters for their games and the development of them. Yet no one in their right mind would suggest to curb stomp gaming to save on energy.

    Openai has bigger costs but they run inference, and having them run it actually makes it more efficient, even though I rather open source models you can run on your own machine.

    The clear solution is upgrading to a more robust green energy grid, not blocking innovation.

    And if we are going to ban things because of their energy use, there are much better candidates than software. A transatlantic flight takes up 500 mWh, so essentially 1000 people flying to Europe and back use up as much energy as the llama model took to train, a model that has been downloaded 3.5 million times in the past month alone on hugging face (only with the official 8b included, and not counting the other sizes or the thousands of finetunes).