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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • In my own workplace, it’s sometimes resulted in massive rabbithole searches along the lines of “this doesn’t seem right. Why would this even be designed this way if it wasn’t intentional?” Which then becomes asking even more senior devs who had been there for decades to scour decades old emails and/or hitting up another decades senior dev who’s now on another project on the other side of the country to check their emails until we eventually figure out why it was, in fact, intentional.

  • I was interviewing a couple of months ago, and one of the in-person technical interviews wanted me to write, on a whiteboard, a function that took in a timestamp and calculated the angle between the hands on a clock set to that time. After I did that they wanted me to reverse engineer the linux “tac” command for files of unknown size that I could not store the contents of locally, resulting in probably the most sinful piece of code I’ve ever written.

    What really gets my goat about it, is that out of all my interviewing companies, they were by far at the bottom of the list, and was really only interviewing to get negotiating power. My company had worked pretty closely with them, so I was well aware of the poor treatment and absurdly high turnover rate, so they were really in no place to be picky. My top choice company’s hardest question was one of those basic college programming math questions where the answer is “use the modulus operator”.

  • Bro the project I’m on uses XSLT and the first time I saw it I legitimately thought I was having a stroke because I could not accept that anybody would be stupid and/or masochistic enough to actually want something like that.

    However, I’ve now made it my mission to master it because it makes me feel like a high-born wizard speaking of ancient secrets in a tower high above humanity

  • I once spent 6 months debugging an issue in a legacy component of our system that ultimately boiled down to “The team this component talks with forgot to revert changes they made for testing and obstinantely refused to admit any changes were made at all for 6 months until I could figure out this deprecated technology enough to prove it enough that the product owners forced them to look”

  • Honestly, I can’t remember what it stands for. My new place uses the same acronym for something completely different so I can’t remember what the original phrase was.

    As for what it is, it’s the division of low-paid college graduates that they throw onto contracts in order to squeeze more money out of their clients (hence being paid far bellow market rate and having them work an extra 4 unpaid hours a week)

  • Hijacking this casual aside to warn any Jr. Devs against working for IBM - specifically their CIC, which is coloquially known as their “Cheap Labor Department.” Not only are you paid way less than market rate for an intro position there (at least, that’s how it was pre-covid), but if you get put on a contract they tell you you’re supposed to work “at least” 44 hours/week, regardless of your actual workload. The position is, obviously, exempt.

    Source: first job outta college. Got some certs on their dime and jumped ship soon as I could. From what I saw, mid-level and senior IBM devs on identical contracts are treated way better, so this warning is primarily for newer folks, and entirely about the CIC division

  • Not OP but if we’re talking about preferences I’d say most people who don’t find rehashed, samey jokes funny usually prefer jokes that take an unexpected route through a more thorough understanding of the subject they’re joking about. So instead of a new itteration of “JS bad”, for example, make a meme about how much better JS is than a popular language in a convoluted hyperspecific engineered circumstance where JS’s normally not good properties can be engineered to be more optimal than the competition.