YES! Still have a poster kicking about from the “finale”. I loved the series growing up. RIP Edd
YES! Still have a poster kicking about from the “finale”. I loved the series growing up. RIP Edd
Do you mean color? No, no I do not.
Dunno why this got downvoted, not being bit by and getting sick from an animal is dodging a bullet. What, are we supposed to be “It’s a poor 'lil guy, just be happy you get rabbies?”
Quite cringe, but having seen people around college campus with hentai hiodies and lots of “Gamer Supps” shirts, surprisingly not the cringest
I remember something from “forgotten weapons” where he I think he talked about having to retroactively blur the auction house because he didn’t work with them anymore or a change in their policy. Not a Google one, I think.
My first thoughts,
U.S.A.: Can we have that president?
U.S. Govt.: No, you have president at home
But seriously this is awesome to see, It’s nice to see some uplifting news.
I have family that lives outside of LA, that are still on copper lines for phone and internet. How, idk.
Also, our neighborhood just got fiber access a couple months ago, and we live in a decently large city.
Copper landline for many, is the only option available that isn’t satellite.
Too many friends and distant family, from marginalized communities telling me “They don’t mean me, I am a legal American citizen”