Joe Biden doesn’t care about brown people.

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2024


  • I guess the Russian army was invading Kyiv to give everyone flowers then back in 2022?

    Russia says that the purpose of their operation in Kyiv was to destroy military stockpiles of munitions that were located there, and wasn’t intended to be an occupation.

    But even if that’s not true, occupying a place militarily is not the same as claiming legal ownership of it.

    Again, they’re only claiming parts of Ukraine right now instead of the whole thing as a part of their information op to make Ukraine look

    So you agree that Russia is not claiming Ukraine.

    You’re saying (based on unprovable speculation) that Russia has secret plans to claim Ukraine in the future. I don’t have a crystal ball, so I can’t know if that’s true or not. But even if it is, that’s not the same as saying that Russia currently claims Ukraine.

  • And none of that means Russia is claiming Ukraine.

    In fact, by recognizing Luhansk and Donetsk as independent countries, they were explicitly saying that Luhansk and Donetsk were not part of Russia.

    It’s not the same situation as Taiwan or Palestine, where China and Israel respectively claim that those territories are theirs and include them on official maps.

    Edit: Look at official maps of Russia from Russia. The annexed territories are shown as part of Russia, but the rest of Ukraine isn’t.

    Edit 2: You guys, this isn’t a matter of opinion. You’re just misunderstanding the situation. “Territory X belongs to country Y” can depend on who you ask, but “Country Y claims territory X” is a simple fact that is either true or not.