Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor

  • 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I hope they’re not biting off more than they can chew. I mean, the scope of the whole project sounds bigger than Daggerfall, which means it’s unlikely they’ll finish on time and, when they do release something, there’s a high chance it’ll be lacking tons of features at launch.

    massive, procedurally-generated world with plenty of variety in the environments and locales. Dungeons and cities are crafted to feel unique from one another, offering limitless options for layouts and aesthetics. The world itself is ever changing; cities can grow, deteriorate, or be entirely destroyed by war, and the sky, landscape, and flora change with the seasons.

    Unless they’re Dwarf Fortress level masters of procgen, I won’t expect much more than typical single pass “random perlin terrain”

  • Not quite. It’s just harder to disconnect the 3D visual of a sword or mace swing very clearly hitting a creature and said hit missing entirely, especially as you’re in direct control of when and where the attack happens. For comparison, it’s much easier to accept misses in Neverwinter Nights because you’re not directly controlling the attacks. The fact that you can also look at the log of dice rolls helps a lot, too.

    Hell, even in Arena and Daggerfall, where you’re also in direct control of your swings, it’s easier to accept when it doesn’t hit thanks to the slow animations and 2D graphics of your equipped weapon and the enemy sprite.

  • Well, at least they won’t need to make “thousands of planets” worth of “content”, so the game might at least look consistent

    Still, after Starfaild, my expectation is for TES6 to have something that kinda almost resembles Dark Messiah of Might and Magic’s melee combat; only Archery, Melee, Magic and Armor skills to level up; Emil Pagliarulo’s “greatest” story yet with double the time travel and multiverse bullshit; twice the amount of stories that get nowhere and that nobody in the world cares about; removal of stealth

  • Adding a bit to the porn angle, there are options that don’t require exposing herself. There’s people that get around creating PMV and HMV (porn/hentai music videos) and JOI variations, so that’s basically video editing skills.

    If she’s ok with only “showing off” her voice, she could try some amateur VA work. That might require some initial cash setup in the form of a decent mic and some soundproofing, she’d also need to do a number of gigs “for free” as a demonstration to anyone who decides to hire her.