A broken heart? 💔❤️🔥
A broken heart? 💔❤️🔥
That doesn’t sound like a utopia, it sounds like a The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas situation.
Very much against conscription. If the country is worth dying for, people will volunteer. Otherwise, it is cruel and unfair to force people to suffer for a country they didn’t choose to be born in.
To clarify for the commenters who seem to think anti conscription = pro Russia, no, Russia is an authoritarian dictatorship, and conscription is unethical in all countries. Democratic countries should model the moral behaviour.
The one that kept me alive was that I couldn’t make the world better for others, even in a small near-insignificant way, if I were dead. And it would be a bit pointless to die if everyone else is still going to live a life of suffering, especially as I can’t be sure reincarnation isn’t true.
Unfortunately free speech is under threat from people across the political spectrum who don’t seem to realise that if they can censor opinions they find displeasing, others can censor their opinions too.
Voyager app in Android, vger.app on my laptop
Sounds like a combination of homophobia/gay erasure and misogyny (I know what women want, not them) to me
I don’t get the meme, but is the title in reference to the latest Ryan George video?
I want my government to provide enough for everyone, not that I would have to work hard and be lucky just so a few people in my family could have better lives.
If I was a ghost I would try help them as much as I can, not prank them. Idk what influence I’d have, maybe I can appear in influential people’s dreams and influence them to do better.
Ironic that you’re complaining about people complaining. For an answer to your question, people complain because they have things to complain about, particularly as the world moves more right wing, and just because others have it much worse doesn’t mean you don’t have it bad.
In the UK, it’s not great, and seems to be on the down trend like everywhere else, but right now it’s a decent enough place to live - definitely a lot better than the US.
Based on what they try to do. Negligence can be bad of course, but making honest mistakes is no ones fault. If they’re doing harmful things though, even if they can still be considered a good person, it can be a moral obligation to stop them.
You think they don’t have backups?
Titanic for sure, there is almost nothing wrong with it. Most movies are pretty bad in my experience, with the runtime of TV shows allowing them to be better. Back To The Future is okay though. Maybe one of the Futurama movies? That’s kind of cheating though, as it built on a TV Show
Presumably Lord Nikon thinks there won’t be any humans left at that time.
Whenever I look at anything I wrote more than a year ago I cringe at myself.
GMT doesn’t become BST as far as I’m aware, GMT is UTC+0 all year round, and BST is UTC+1 all year round, it’s just that in the summer the UK switches from GMT to BST.
What’s boring about the magic system in Harry Potter? Can you give specific examples?