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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • “Overall, we rate Mondoweiss as Left Biased and Questionable due to the blending of opinion with news, the promotion of pro-Palestinian and anti-zionist propaganda, occasional reliance on poor sources, and hate group designation by third-party pro-Israel advocates. (D. Van Zandt 3/4/2017) Updated (12/07/2023)“

    Gonna be honest here, kinda disappointed in mediabiasfactcheck for using the “hate group designation by third-party pro-Israel advocates“ as a measure of credibility while also stating they don’t fact check this source. Brings down my view of them which sucks cause I liked them.

    I appreciate Darkthoughts for linking the credibility measure for discussion though. More posts need that.

  • I agree with the other guy. The media made sound bytes of Trump during his first presidential run because it was popular and directly contributed to him winning, which is now a problem for all of us.

    My skepticism arises from similar articles saying the same thing about Russia, though those had more analysis about the transition to a wartime economy, that come at the same time as this article.

    I’m concerned media article like this are primers for accepting conflicts down the line as there seems to be a looming threat of greater conflict that’s being highlighted here. I’m an advocate of working together and see war as an incredibly stupid objective so part of this may be just not wanting to believe humans are this stupid.

  • How much is this fearmongering to justify increased military spending and how much is this true? This is the second article I’ve seen in 2 days about “unprecedented” military buildup in Russia and China.

    War is fucking stupid. Anyone who wants war is fucking stupid. China and Russia’s autocrats are evil stupid, but are they stupid enough to create another great conflict that we all have to suffer through? Why the sudden change now? Russia tried the quick takeover and that’s failed miserably, drawing them into a prolonged conflict with high casualties.

    With all that said, I also recognize the US is a declining world power (from the absolute top to now in competition with others) and stories like this are excellent for drumming up movements to try and maintain that absolute power position.

    So how much is this article (and other recent ones) US propaganda?

  • I think comparing Venezuela to China is apt here. Both are “leftist” governments that the US is nominally opposed to, but we still allow trade with China despite growing tensions. Venezuela, and Cuba too, got embargoes from the US because of the idea of the Monroe doctrine and Roosevelt corollary (my neighborhood, my rules). The US can hurt them more for not falling in line.

    I’d also argue the US is particularly mad at both nations because they escaped the cycle of the School of the Americas (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Hemisphere_Institute_for_Security_Cooperation) tendency to create right-wing dictators from US trained army officers in left swinging South American states.

    I guess my point is that it’s the US leveraging its power to get what it wants, and I’m biased but trying to look at it from a more objective perspective. The US does not act as a monolith, there are people who oppose bases / promote isolationism which complicates the matter.

    As an American I’m personally pissed that we have to deal with the sins of our forefathers for being greedy and trying to rectify that is going to be a slow process.