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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Some bands ive found because of it (formerly what was that radio)

    In no particular order or ranking (i dont actually likr much from some of these so take these only as that i know of them not that i personally champion them)

    Reign Wolf.






    Velvet Two Stripes

    Beddy Rays


    Peach Pit


    Pyschedelic Porn Crumpets


    Cemetary Sun

  • Modernrock.ca

    Might have an initial ad when you start a stream but its a commercial free modern rock online radio station. Can get the app on android or apple or just listen in browser.

    No fucking accounts to create, or any bullshit.

    The guy who created it left commercial radio and started his own station. He got tired of finding tons of amazing rock music that just doesnt get played.

    Songs on the station are 36months or newer. He streams live some times, and has a ton of interviews you can check out.

    (I was a subscriber before had to cut expenses and long time listener so im absolutely biased but im not shilling just happy to have this as a source for new music)

  • Right it is ballsy but it also has metits. The eu election that macrons party did poorly in is bigger in that it involves all of europe, but it has almost no direct power in france(someone please correct me if its flat out wrong to say that) but its not insignificant.

    The leader of france or any country has long term planning to do and he just got shown his opponents CAN best him.

    But this election isnt the most important one for france so a lot of people dont take things as seriously. They vote in ways they wouldnt in more important elections.

    By admitting his weak position it rallys people to actually turn out and vote for realzies this time.

    The way the world is Macron likely thinks if he waits and has to run an election later its going be bad. But also he will risk needless opposition at home making his job significantly harder domestically. If its harder to manage france its much harder to be a good helpful member of the un and the right is gaining power.

    Could easily backfire, but he wouldnt do if he himself didnt think it was his best chance. And if he gets the boot he can become the oppostion focusing all his efforts on JUST fighting against the right which he may see as the most important thing right now

  • Company called vinfast opened up next to tesla in my town. Never heard of them so i checked it out and they have a battery subscription option which was interesting to me, if its like propane tank exchange systems it could be interesting, since its the battery that seems to be the. Biggest concern for people having to replace down the line. Would make a lot of sense for heavy use situations(delivery, sales that travel a lot etc and burn through leases regularily)

  • Never said it was people who drive high kms a day that has these concerns.

    Seems to me we arent disagreeing on reasoning but about different situations. Such is the way of not speaking face to face though.

    If it helps im not just making shit up, i deliver (ive moved up and am low level.operations now) autoparts to repair shops and have heard these complaints for over 10 years.

    Its actually quite fascinating how often people drop the concern im trying to discuss once they start using an ev, or personally know someone who has one and they get encouraged by their persons lack of concern about losing a charge.

    I think i wouldnt pay extra for the solar panel version if it was a significant extra cost but Maybr if it wasnt too much. (15k for full.self driving which doesnt even transfer to a new owner put the brakes on the failing enthudsiasm i had with tesla when model s was new)

  • This is the exact type of gimmick/bullshit they can utilize to convince people to get over irrational fears. Because people are often irrational when making decisions.

    But its also tied directly into the fear of running out of juice in the middle of no where. It not only offers but actually gives people comfort and security. Even its really not meant to actually be used regularily or ever really.

    I know one mechanic who has both a Model S and Leaf. He HATES that his model S slowly drains the battery when not used and his leaf does not. And he can explain the difference both why and how. If a company just used that fact to sell their car over any car that also loses charge sitting unused they will absolutely have an advantage for people. Imagine parking your car for weeks and it always being as charged as you left it or more instead of sometimes having to worry if you have a dead car waiting for you because you realized after the fact that you left it with a low charge

    I absolutely do think it will change enough minds. I work in the industry from the repair side. But also with people who use their vehicle to pay their wage. I know this can work towards removing that part of the equation because there is a TON of people who dont want EVs to replace ICE and they stoke every dumb fear people have. Having the option, however poorly it performs has always been a net postive as long as it does perform the way its supposed to

    Good sales people try to understand what is preventing people from making good choices. Bad ones just lie to you.

    Additional costs are exactly what people expect to pay extra for ask in think that’s really a moot point beyond getting the amount in the right ballpark.

  • Your last sentence seems a bit judgemental and insulting since they specifically noted they were asking about giving a compliment when NOT trying to meet women (hit on them). But perhaps im mistaken why you included that(which will be just confusion on my end then)

    Your points put into words things ive done but never really realized it or would have been able to explain.

    I say this because i have complimented tattoos on more than a few occasions and i have rarely noticed an uncomfortable reaction (i judge this by the fact that they talk about the tatoo ive mentioned for longer than i spoke words).

    I am fascinated by what people choose to permanently put on their body. There are often very meaningful reasons for it, but not as rarely as i would have thought it is a very quick spur of the monent decision. Most of the time this happens at a check out/til in a store.

    I will typically just make a comment about the work itself, not about the placement(unless its on a spot ive been told is very painful as many people have such different experiences, “ive been told that is a tender spot for a tattoo” or some such. But its an honest question because i have been told that)

    Common things that prompt me to comment are striking/vibrant colours, im curious how old the tattoo is as some colours are prone to fading badly Or very clean and clear lines, especially when they are delicate or just very thin.

    I have a specific reason or curiosity which prompts me or i dont say something which i think is why i seem to be able to successfully give compliments/comments to strangers in public. But ill also compliment guys in public as well for the same reasons/circumstances and im definately not attempting to hit on or pick up guys(ide be flattered if a guy thought i was hitting on him though)

  • Friday i told the teller at the bank when asked if there was anything else she could do i told her to tell her coworker(who was on the phone behind her) that she was a jerk because her shirt(blouse?) made me want lemonade (white shirt with a repeating lemon print, wasnt sure what it was and took me a bit of looking at it to figure out what it was, but had the time while the teller was processing my deposit)

    Of course both of the bank people know my first name as ive been there before and i used the person’s name.

    I maybe would have said something like that without having met them before, but it would really depend on the scenario and environment. Likely i would have said nothing if there wasnt enough time to explain if it wasnt received well, which isnt always the case in public.

  • Heh i have a couple stories.

    At costco picking up hotdogs for the crew, get back to car and notice older (60+) lady with Doc Martins on (i figure shes an old hippie but doesnt really matter) so i tell her i love your big stompy boots! And because of her style i add, “you may not but i think you would love Jon Fluevog shoes” she thanks me and says she has a couple pairs and loves them but doesnt wear them every day so they last longer.

    Pleasant 45 second interaction.

    At a music festival in victoria bc watching a metal band called Malahat, see a younger woman wearing the same colour converse shoes im wearing standing next to me, bamd pauses and i tell her she has terrible taste is shoes as im looking down and pointing to my own shoes. She was confused for a moment then laughed loudly enough security looked my way.

    Have used the shoe bit a couple times stuck in close quarters (elevators hallways transit etc) a few times not always successfully but usually it goes over well when they notice im wearing the same shoes.

    Sometimes i have to explain it was just an intentionally bad joke(i do love a bad pun and a good dad joke) but rarely usually is well received. But thats literally all i intend and it usually happens in passing.

    (Middleaged white guy beardo)