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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • A people and it’s government are two different things. And frequently the government does not give accurate representation of its people’s desires.

    But let’s say the USA, because I assume that’s what you are insinuating by westerners, is 100x more evil than all other countries combined. Does that mean the Russian government isn’t bad? Nope. Truth doesn’t change based on the moral character of another separate unrelated entity. Even if that entity is worse and even if that worse entity is the one saying the truth.

  • This has been my struggle. I read the documentation before posting to linux groups. And even saying that you just get “wHaT r U sToOpId!? rTfM aGaIn!” Like just rereading it will magically reveal terms that I didn’t understand the first 3 times. I gave up on trying to switch to linux.

    I think my last straw was I was talking about establishing an SFTP server in OpenBSD (I know, unix not linux, don’t bother; same kinds of people in both) and I had a typo in my question and it was a very benign unimportant typo and some pedantic fuckwad had a mental fucking breakdown because he was now confused if I really wanted SFTP or FTP and how FTP was insecure blah blah…the whole thread was about setting up SFTP wtf would you think that changed in the middle because I forgot the S on SFTP in the middle of a discussion on setting up SFTP. Too many pedantics in the community and even when I like software I don’t want to be associated/involved with that level of unempathetic autistic assholery.