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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • They don’t want people to innovate. Innovation is a buzzword that they use to market themselves as something other than parasites.

    Most companies want to safely follow market trends to suck away large profit margin with minimal payout to workers. If they make a product that doesn’t work, they just assert that it does and that the customer is wrong.

    That’s also why they intentionally quiet fire seniors like in the article. They don’t give a fuck about quality or innovation. They want the cheapest labor possible while hiking service/product pricing.

    They don’t want employees to be happy. They want them to be cheap and exploitable.

    That is literally the base form of businesses in the flawed reality of capitalism.

  • Yeah but in that case:

    US government and Canadian are terrorists (look at their list of war crimes against civilians, genocide of native Americans, kidnapping and “re-educating” native children for ethnic cleansing). The US independence war literally got kicked off by torturing civilian tax collectors by ripping their skin off after dragging them through the streets

    Israel is a terrorist state (genocide against a specific ethnic group definitely fits this definition even if they just did it for expansionism, that is a political goal and there are 36000 that Israel has killed directly on the low end, including over 224 civilian humanitarian aid workers and 179 civilian unwra workers)

    Hamas is a terrorist organization

    Dole is a terrorist organization (banana republics, Hawaii)

    Many police organizations nowadays are terrorists (constant violence against innocent civilians), especially in the US

    Belgium is a terrorist state (Congo anyone?)

    France is a terrorist state (they have a special police battalion hand picked for violence against civilians lol)

    Russian army is a terrorist org (talk about violence against civilians, they have wiped out so many villages and just killed and dumped the population)

    Hell, Britain is a terrorist org (Kenya atrocities like the chuka massacre, the Irish???, Iraq & Afganistan?? BBC themselves reported how the British government was covering up their forces killing and torture of civilians and children in the middle east)

    The point is that a news org can’t (or shouldn’t) just cherry pick who they want to label terrorists because that, no matter which way you slice it, will be political bias. Their own government has committed many, MANY acts of terror very recently.

  • We bought a house last year that was the first on the street by a decade. Everything was asparagus farms and some forest.

    1. It needed to be fully stripped and redone, but damn is that house strong. 20cm thick brick wall going down like 5m underground or something. Load bearing walls also have like 2cm iron rods running vertically for support. This house will not budge.

    Trying to renovate it respectfully while repairing damage done by the previous owner and complying with the many, many strict Belgium housing regulations. So much potential and almost no problems with damp in an extremely wet region.