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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • Why not?

    Why is the default response for “nobody even knows I exist” to curl up in a ball and bitch about it on the Internet?

    If there is nothing holding you back, then you can do anything you want. What do you have to lose if you feel like you have nothing?

    And if your response is that you don’t have the motivation or mindset, or you can’t bring yourself to care… buddy, that’s a mental health issue, and there are people who’s job it is to help people experiencing the same things.

  • Being fit does not mean being ‘gym bro’. I am 34 and obese. I am actively dieting and working out in order to lose weight, not because I want to be attractive or live forever, but because doing basic daily tasks was hell. I existed in a world where casually walking 10 minutes to work meant I was so warm and sweaty that I needed to shower. I could not squat or kneel down to pick things up or my knees would burn with pain. I was not healthy. My weight caused me to snore, making me more tired. I was walking around like a geriatric at the age of 32.

    You don’t have to be a fitness guru who eats kale and chugs protein shakes to be healthy, but the giving up entirely is 100% more miserable than having basic mobility. And it’s a lot harder to come back from when you’re too heavy to work out to your full capacity.

  • “Remembering Prey”? The game is 7 years old, and has a release on current gen consoles. The nostalgia cycle is starting to spiral in on itself. Get ready for “Remember Baldurs Gate 3” next month.

    If we want to talk about a game that is about ready for a nostalgic revival, featured unique gameplay for the time, told a story with interesting lore, and had the potential for interesting sequels, let’s remember Prey (2006). Also, it had a bus full of evil ghost kids on a spaceship. Can’t beat that.

  • The issue is, if you want a job in this sort of field, 90% of the time it is contract, with no option or ability to switch over to permanency. I have worked for several years in my current IT job, but I am technically a contractor, and every 6 months, I need to make peace with the fact that I might not have a job for no reason. I definitely do not rock the boat, because even though they’re “not allowed” to fire me if I join a union, they only have to wait till the end of the contract to find another worker bee.

  • What the fuck are you talking about?

    Porn has existed forever. Onlyfans is a type of porn consumption. A stiff, plastic, clammy-skinned woman with anime proportions isn’t about to replace the social intimacy that people get from OF. And yes, I know that there are some really good AI gen’s images out there, but it’s a different market entirely.

    And if I want porn, there are a million sites for images and videos that don’t require a machine to steal the likenesses of a thousand women to output the most generic bland porn I’ve ever seen.

    If AI is going to replicate the social and porn aspects of the industry, so you really think the creators aren’t going to exploit horny idiots out of their money?

  • While I am no fan of the NYT and other news site’s pricing models, I don’t think that this goes against “protecting the press”. Journalists do a job. They research, compile, draft, and write articles in their own voice (or the voice of the news outlet). They are paid for this work. OpenAI wants to scrape the words off news sites so that their language model can regurgitate them for free.

    This is the AI Art thing all over again. Creators should be paid for their work.