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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • It was a bit frightening for me to see how quickly the mob turned on AH during this fiasco and just how much vitriol and propaganda has been generated on the subreddit like this is any other ingame operation with the associated shitposting… except this time it could very well shape the futures of real people and fate of the company for years to come.

    Unfortunately this is the only way to accomplish anything. If there wasn’t an outcry like this both AH and sony would just ignore any criticism and move on until it gets buried and forgotten. It’s a world of extremes and the scales could have easily tipped into the other side, with people rightfully complaining about these shitty practices but getting ridiculed for complaining about just another account or sth.

  • I like to dunk on SC as much as the next guy but how can you say this at all with a straight face? For starters, can I walk around my ship? Is there a story-based campaign I can play through? Are there capital ships with dozens of players with different roles working on them?

    SC will never get finished or live up to the promises it made but ED barely even tries to do anything beyond being a space truck simulator.