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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 22nd, 2023

  • It’s not that far-fetched, PDFs in my opinion are closer to vector graphics than to document formats like odt and docx. They have no understanding of format if not using advanced features, like a table in a PDF is just spaced text with lines between them, and text is just independently placed letters. In fact the space symbol doesn’t exist in most PDFs, it’s just that two letters were spaced further apart. So they basically are multiple canvases that are being painted on with letters, lines, fill areas and even bitmap graphics.

    Modern PDF actually does further in the direction of a document format by providing the content in a structured way, mostly for accessibility, but also for making the format suitable for automatic processing the contained data.

  • This would be somewhat interesting if it wasn’t for the fact that most of the countries in BRICS had massive human rights issues themselves or weren’t otherwise problematic:

    Brazil: massive problems under Bolsonaro, luckily he’s no longer president

    Russia: was against Ukraine, Mafia gas station state, oppression of homosexuals. Assassinated Nationals on foreign soil.

    India: Hindu ethnostate with a caste system, also assassinated Nationals on foreign soil.

    China: destabilizing source that uses economic influence to sabotage Western ones through state-sponsored espionage and other measures. Oppression of religious groups (Uighur, abduction of Gedhun Choekyi Nyima…), massive surveillance of its own population…

    South Africa: actually probably the best of the bunch since apartheid ended though definitely not without issues

    If they want so much, they can have their own financial system, but no other country can be forced to participate. It’s just nose again to detract from their own crimes. Which is a shame because they’re important topics that are being hijacked by these assholes. Especially the point of “unilateral protectionist measures” by a group that China is a member of is morning but ridiculous.

  • Most of these people take/haven taken part in the IDF

    Most likely? I mean Israel has a draft for women and men with the only exception being Orthodox Jews - which, ironically, might be the ones most in favor of the current government. How does that make their point irrelevant?

    have been actively participating in Apartheid.

    Dude, that word has a different meaning from what you’re implying. Call the atrocities in Gaza a genocide, that’s fair. But it’s not apartheid and neither is Israel an apartheid state, nor an ethnostate. Source: been to Israel, talked to people, there are no Jewish / non-Jewish toilets or fountains or anything, non-Jewish stores next to Jewish ones etc.

    The rest of your blathering is just generalization. The same applied to people living in Gaza would make a lot of unjust actions look much better - after all, most of the people in Gaza have kidnapped and slaughtered civilians, no? Yeah, probably not.

  • The usual 50% off was already a very good deal in my opinion. If you ever considered looking into this game there is no better time than now. An absolute masterpiece and one of my favorite games of all time.

    Also finally you can manage your inventory outside of the holy mountain (tinkering not included by default). This was the primary reason I played on beta the last months. Once my current run ends, I’m switching to stable.