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Cake day: July 11th, 2023

  • That depends on the culture and the method of distribution, many cultures that practice oral history did have widespread interest and access to it and an understanding of how their culture fit into the broader scope of the world to some degree, though the way they understood or related to it might differ from culture to culture (some cultures tie their history to places, or names, or events, or people or seasons, etc). As another example, the Romans are well known for their prolific historiography and many of their surviving texts are still referenced to this day. Look up Pliny the Elder and Pliny the Younger, who were just as well known and respected as historians at the time as they are now. While written works such as the Encyclopedia Natural History (written by Pliny the Elder and believed to be the first encyclopedia) would often be released to the public to be copied and spread, they would also often recite written works orally so illiteracy wasn’t as much of a barrier as you’d think. Oral history is a lot more important in providing a record of a culture’s history as well as making that history accessible to others than a lot of people think. It was important in ancient Greece as well, and is a huge part of many other cultures around the world including many indigenous ones. It’s also not as inaccurate or unreliable as some people might think, as there were many methods these cultures used and still use to preserve the accuracy of their oral history as it was passed down from generation to generation.

    Now in terms of awareness, obviously there was propaganda and rewritten history going on back then just as there is now, but it’s not as if none of the citizens would have been aware of that. One of the papers I wrote for a class about the importance of comparing primary sources featured 3 different accounts of what Athens was like and the views people there held at a certain point in history from 3 different people of varying social and financial status, and there was absolutely awareness of that sort of dissonance between what their government claimed and what the reality was even among the more common folk. So I would say they did certainly have a significant understanding of how their culture fit into the broader scope of human history.

  • As someone with adhd it’s completely normal for me. When you’re a kid you have good reason to keep track of your age because at that time of your life you change dramatically between ages as you develop as a person, plus it’s important when asserting your identity to other as that too develops. When we’re older it’s just a number that only comes up once a year and is not that much different from the previous number, and so it’s easier to lose track of especially for people who have an affected working memory and time blindness like me. Idk if you have adhd or how often people without adhd experience this sort of thing but I can speak for my own experience. I forget how old I am, and other people’s names, all the damn time lol.

  • What, why tf wouldn’t the cashier have to open the drawer? Why wouldn’t they have to record the sale? They’d still have to account for the loss of inventory. Even if they did the 99 cent thing all a cashier would have to do is keep a pocket full of pennies to be able to do the exact same thing. None of that makes sense as an explanation.

  • I mean Musk wasn’t as loud about his bigotry at that point, not in the way he is now at least, and Mr Beast has been openly supportive of trans people. Being a bit of an idiot and being a raging bigot aren’t the same thing, and that incident mostly convinced people that Elon was an idiot. It’s entirely possible he’s changed his mind about Musk in 3 years. I’m not a Mr Beast fan by any means, I don’t watch his content or anything and tbh I found his reaction to the Jacksepticeye thing to be annoying which hasn’t endeared him to me, so I don’t have any skin in the game on his end of things, but there were a lot of people who didn’t hate Elon after the cave diving thing who do hate him now so I wouldn’t really treat that post as gospel personally. A lot of people don’t want to admit it but Elon used to have way better PR than he does now, and a lot of people have changed their minds about him over time. So atm I don’t see any reason to believe that Mr. Beast would revoke his support for trans people for Musk. His support of trans people is more recent as well. Maybe I’m wrong but I’d rather be optimistic about it until he gives me reason not to be.

  • Detroit: Become Human generally has big overarching choices that are more obviously good vs bad, or rather pacifist vs violent and deviant vs machine, but a lot of the smaller in-between choices can make a big difference regarding who lives and who dies, and a lot of them aren’t obvious, especially in Kara’s story line. One in particular that I remember can seem like an obvious “doing the right thing” choice but it actually is a choice that can get several characters killed as a result if you do what seems like the “good person” thing. Getting to the end with everyone still alive can be surprisingly difficult without a guide, and there are a lot of different endings and branching paths depending on a lot of different choices. One character has I think somewhere around 26 separate chances of dying in the story at different points in the game. There’s an achievement for getting all of them lol.

    Heavy rain is similar to DBH but less obvious about having particular good or bad routes iirc. Like it doesn’t do the “pacifist vs violent” or “deviant vs machine” style choices, but there are a lot of different choices that can affect the ending and who survives to the end.

    Dragon Age Origins is an oldie but a goody with a ton of endings and decisions that aren’t strictly good or bad. The following DA games are good too but the first one fits what you’re looking for the most.

    Those are ones I can think of off the top of my head.