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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Same company that has the Starliner with leaks staying at the ISS. Not a good look.

    Marketing department is going to be working overtime.

    The brand new 737 Boeing Goeing. Cheaper than all others on the market with a 15 year warranty. Gaurenteed to keep you Goeing. For fucks sake, we’re Boeing.

    This is a whole new remodeled version of our Max that had various issues that concerned our buyers. Now, we’ve added an onboard AI that will detect which items to advertise to customers based off past sales and gender/sex/age/height/and weight. Up your sales numbers guaranteed to increase from the info we scrape off the Internet or buy from Google directly. Built in auto serve tray so the hosts don’t need to find the orders, they are auto placed on a exiting conveyor that feeds right onto the cart you roll up!

    These beauties are all thrown in for free when you invest in your future that’s Goeing places.

    *Doors may become from nowhere, wheels may fall off, leaks may occur, but your profits will skyrocket. Landings not guaranteed.

  • If I used books for answers at work I’d be without a job pretty quick. It’s a slow antiquated technique. I don’t think kids need to look up answers on cell phones at school, but it would be smart to educate students how to use tools/resources that they will need and use in their daily lives.

    The number of books that these students will reference in the their future careers in minimal. The number of phones/computer based systems is high.

    If you are just teaching kids to regurgitate text from a textbook at this point they will forever be behind any LLM that exists. They need to learn to use information, quickly, and how to source it from reliable sources.

  • I believe in educating kids to know how to ignore distractions. The phone will be there in every work/life situation and will be a tool used to get them further in their careers and life in general. It’s stupid to let them use them openly during class… It’s also stupid to make legislation about them. Notice we don’t have country wide dress codes for schools. Just legislation that says when such codes have gone to far. Banning students from having items they carry daily is just a stupid over abuse of power being instated for what reason? Failed parenting and failed educators?

    You text during class you get told to stop, happens again you get detention/thrown out of class/sent to the dean and eventually thrown out of the school. Always was that way. No need for laws around it.

  • Emergencies can only exist for 6 months and then have to be voted for termination by Congress. So say Prump pulled a Trutin, if the rest of the house/Senate weren’t bought and paid for that war would be over “years” ago now and congress could impeach the president if he tried to act like it was another emergency, followed by the Senate voting to oust them.

    All the mechanisms are there, tainted and charred.

    We need an age of restoration to clean it all off and update everything to fit with modern times.

    ““Jefferson states that each new generation has a right to choose for itself “the form of government it believes most promotive of its own happiness.” That every 20 years, the state constitution should be handed off to the next generation to amend and repair as they see fit””

    So a bit controversial but I’d say that would point at older generations not supposed to be holding legislational positions/powers. If we up the age to fit lifespan from 20 to 30 years, then take the average age of the writers/powers at be during that time it would place a retirement age for legislative members at maybe 60-65.

    Being that our supreme Court is somehow altering legislation at this point that would say 4 or 5 out of those 9 would have to retire immediately. The average age of senators is 64, so ~50 there, and a significant chunk of Congress.

    Get out the steel woal and start cleaning the rust of this jalopy.