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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Mane25@feddit.uktoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    Yep, the strict marine reserve. But it doesn’t stop the military base from pumping sewage into it, and it doesn’t stop rich people with yachts from going there. Just normal people and Chagos islanders aren’t allowed. Also a difficult thing to note is that this was during a Labour government (which many liberal-minded British people consider a lesser of two evils). The only major politician who intended to do right there was Jeremy Corbyn, but he was slaughtered by the media for being not evil enough.

  • Detecting whether a student used ChatGPT to write an assignment can be challenging, but there are some signs and strategies you can consider:

    • Unusual Language or Style: ChatGPT may produce content that is unusually advanced or complex for a student’s typical writing style or ability. Look for inconsistencies in language usage, vocabulary, and sentence structure.

    • Inconsistent Knowledge: ChatGPT’s knowledge is based on information up to its last training cut-off in September 2021. If the assignment contains information or references to events or developments that occurred after that date, it might indicate that they used an AI model.

    • Generic Information: If the content of the assignment seems to consist of general or widely available information without specific personal insights or original thought, it could be a sign that ChatGPT was used.

    • Inappropriate Sources: Check the sources cited in the assignment. If they cite sources that are unusual or not relevant to the topic, it may indicate that they generated the content using an AI model.

    • Plagiarism Detection Tools: Use plagiarism detection software, such as Turnitin or Copyscape, to check for similarities between the assignment and online sources. While these tools may not specifically detect AI-generated content, they can identify similarities between the assignment and publicly available text.

    • Interview or Discussion: Consider discussing the assignment topic with the student during a one-on-one interview or discussion. If they struggle to explain or elaborate on the content, it may indicate they didn’t personally generate it.

    It’s important to approach these situations with caution and avoid making accusations without concrete evidence. If you suspect that a student used an AI model to complete an assignment, consider discussing your concerns with the student and offering them the opportunity to explain or rewrite the assignment in their own words.

  • Mane25@feddit.uktoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    The British Indian Ocean Territory was formed specifically to prevent the native inhabitants from gaining self-determination, allowing for a joint UK/US military base to be set up. The inhabitants were forcibly expelled in the 1960s, and ever since then the British government have taken active, sometimes deceptive, measures to prevent them from ever returning. You should look it up.

  • Mane25@feddit.uktoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    It’s always been a pet peeve of mine when TLDs get used for something other than their purpose. I get that countries have benefited from it, but that’s random chance and not what the system was set up for. I know this is a small thing to get annoyed about (so don’t take me too seriously) but if it were up to me, .ai domains should have to prove their connection to Anguilla.

  • I remember in the 90s, my dial-up provider started offering an “unmetered” plan with no per minute charge (for younger people, believe it or not we were once charged by the minute for connecting to the internet). After a short while we were inundated with emails from the ISP complaining that people were “abusing the service” by going on the internet for “hours at a time”. Just reminded me of this and how it’s an old excuse.

    No, you can’t “abuse” an unlimited service by using too much, it’s unlimited.

  • I was also, initially, a little bit confused with how this was being framed. I understand now having read it more closely, but on first reading of the line “The idea is to provide one more alternative – beside the Tor Network – to browse the internet with more privacy” because of the word “alternative” I thought you were suggesting it as a replacement for Tor.