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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • The issue is that none of those have the energy density of nuclear power. A single mid-sized nuclear plant can power a small city, where that same city would need at least a half-dozen solar farms around the area (assuming there’s enough cleared land to support it - rooftop solar can offset, but it generally will not replace mains power), or tons of wind turbines (again, subject to area - not every place is a good candidate). Geothermal and hydroelectric are subject to that same issue - you can’t place them anywhere, there are very specific requirements to get one up and running.

    I agree we should work towards 100% green energy, but nuclear is an effective option dollar-for-dollar and acre-for-acre until we figure out a good way to increase energy density of wind or solar to a point where we don’t need enormous tracts of land dedicated to them in order to support places where people live.

  • Pretty much this. Elon was never interested in what he SHOULD HAVE BEEN: making an inexpensive electric vehicle that’s widely available. Tesla had the tech to do so, but they were being driven to make insane decisions like moving the gearshift to a touchscreen (gee, I love taking my eyes off the road to shift gears), or making “futuristic” doors that actually cannot physically open from the inside (whoops, guess those just can’t be recalled since DOT has literally no teeth).

  • Sorry, “collateral damage” wasn’t a good enough excuse for the US military and it’s definitely not a good enough excuse for the Israeli military either. The US struck a hospital in Kunduz fully aware of what it was and it caused enough of an incident that several coalition nations pulled out of Afghanistan rather than be involved. The US very nearly lost a LOT of its allies over that, and that was AFTER extensive investigation and compensation. Why should we hold Israel, a first-world military by any metric, to a lower standard than how we hold our own army?

    If you see a hospital is being used as a military staging area, you don’t just level the goddamn place. You don’t say “well they COULD HAVE been there” (by the way, that’s the exact same justification for the Kunduz airstrike). You don’t look at it and say “well collateral damage and all”. You rework your plan. You find a way to minimize casualties, whether that’s a strike team or simply bypassing that target entirely because it’s way too risky to civilians. It’s a HOSPITAL, you can’t say “you need to evac because we’re bombing this place” - there are people who are too sick to move, equipment that CAN’T, and it’d be a huge operation to move everyone in a hospital on 24 hours’ notice.

    As to “why aren’t they just carpet bombing the place”, it’s because half of the reason for this genocide is lebensraum - you’ll notice that there’s been a decent number of Israeli real estate firms that have caught flak for selling land in newly-emptied Gaza areas.